
One of the greatest sea nations of the Fifth Age, Current Age. Olvoe sports the biggest flotilla of the Riverlands, while at the same time powerful wizards and clerics of the storm. The nation's weak spot seems to be land war, thus this was used by their new enemy - Mosparia, which invaded from the Likouala Jungles. While there is a ceasefire, the kingdom seeks allies and strengthens their army as they fear the war to restart.


Led by the High Admiral, which is the King of their nation, the kingdom of Olvoe is more democratic, allowing the captains of their armada to chose their next ruler after the death or abdication of the previous one. Each port city has a major impact on the political structure of the kingdom, each led by a Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral. These naval ranks control also the coasts. Rear Admiral safeguard the nearby villages and towns, while the Vice Admiral the main port and coasts. Both of them have a high chance of being voted to be High Admiral.


The culture is split between land and sea, however, when they meet in the port taverns, these differences tend to wash away. The people are very territorial about their coasts and hate disrespecting their captains or crew.


One of the biggest armada on this side of the world, that could have a fair fight with the greatest of seafaring nations.


The cities were once part of the Empire of Ys'Hett but once the Demon King died, all of the cities along the coast became independent city-states, as the empire couldn't save them. The Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age was gruesome to the people, as many had to leave the mainland and live near the coast for food, becoming highly dependent on fishing ships. Hunger was unbearable but the seas helped the people to survive. When the worst came to the past, the port cities rebuild themselves and people started to return to the mainland. The founding of Olvoe started. A highly decorated hero of the seas proposed an alliance, thus the first step was taken by the port city of Viseuo and the port city of Tomelloso. The rest would fall in line over three decades, forming the first seafaring nation in the Riverlands. One major conflict would be made nearly a century later when the kingdom disputed its borders with Isila, not only the sea borders but land too. This dispute turned bloody just after the elves signed a ceasefire with Mathras. The War of the Ushter Sea begun and the captains were winning almost every engagement. The borders were about to be moved beyond the Yesfaren River, when The Second Divergence happened. Both sides were caught with a conundrum and the High Admiral decided to back away. The war effort stopped but they never signed a ceasefire or a peace treaty. The elves in the meantime built the Ohta'ramba Walls to stop any future invasion, that would become a trading place between the nations. The kingdom of Olvoe decades later would be invaded by an upstart kingdom of Mosparia, which aggressively conquered by land the coastal nation. This conflict stopped in a ceasefire just after four years of war. Not knowing the reason the aggressive nation stopped, the kingdom of Olvoe didn't stop and build walls around their northeastern border.

Demography and Population

Majority of the people are Islanders with a big number of Half-elves.

Technological Level

Black Powder cannons are a daily sight in a port city of Olvoe. They are cannon towers everywhere, safeguarding the coast. Many sailors use Black Powder pistols on their ships and in pub disputes.


While the Long Silver's Locker is the main religion, worshiped by every port in the nation, from the smallest village to the biggest city. There are other religions in the nation. Most notable is the goddess of farms, Grolantia, which is said to have helped their ancestors after the Post-Calamity Era to rebuild the mainlands.

Foreign Relations

libertad de olas

Founding Date
Founding of Olvoe in the Restoration Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Major Exports
Citrus, Chocolate, Sugar, Rare Fish
Major Imports
Iron, Silver, Gold
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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