Humans: Actuvians

There exists a race of Humans that travel between spheres called by First Worlders as Actuvians, while by others as Precursor Humans, those that weren't created by Elohim. These humans were able to use Magitech to such a degree to form a "galactic empire", whatever that means to people of Tethys. Their technology showed up all over Tethys after The Second Divergence. As of the Fifth Age, Current Age, there isn't any known specimen of this race on Tethys or the planes. Many believe that they were exact same as the Old Worlder humans.

First World Theory

Those from the First World tell a story of ancient humans that landed on their world. Their gigantic ship was destroyed and they decided to make Tethys their home. During that time, they befriended Dwarves and Gnomes of the First World and saved them from the tyranny of father of Giants (also named All-Father, nobody knows if there exists a connection to All-Father or All-Father, God). Tragedy struck and their homeland (where their ship and civilization were) was lost. Their technology regressed to more simple versions and the way to create magic tech was lost. They are credited for creating things like Humans: Legati and Magitech Bomb.
Genetic Descendants


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