
For elves, Lunea is a very young nation, which came to existence during the Fifth Age, Current Age. Before these lands belonged to an alliance of dragons and elves, now it all lies in the waters around the islands (and some on them). Lunea works closely with Avendaar and Sulantaar, granting them security with their superior navy. The nation has the highest number of Moon Elves out of all elven nations.  


The Lunea Island didn't exist in the Second Age, Godswar as it was a part of Archeron. After the Godswar, only the Elven Lands remained and the island was used by the nobility of the elves as a place to make their homes. In the first half of the Third Age, Kingdoms, many elves would settle here after their pilgrimage from the Old World to the Elven Lands. In time, they would create the foundation of a new kingdom, however, what would happen is that the Elder Pantheon would be established and finally peace and an alliance between the elves and dragons would be created. The island would become their new home. Many dragons would come here to create their lairs and live with the elves in harmony. This was destroyed in the War of the Underworld, after many Drow burned the cities in the Elven Lands. The situation worsened after the Fourth Age, The Calamity, when the world shattered once more and the Lunea Island became the Lunea Archipelago, creating the Elder Sea. The dragons left, only islands and riches remained. Some elves would use it to their advantage and became sailors for Sulantaar and Avendaar, helping them to find ancient artifacts at the bottom of the sea or search the islands. Over time, they banded together and formed the nation of Lunea. Many of the elven nobility still live in Lunea and they pay into the country, as they are tasked with securing the seas in the Elven Lands.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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