
The isolationist kingdom of magic is one of the most advanced nations in the whole world in terms of Magitech. Dubbed "Little Archeron", they live behind powerful, magic mountains of their islands, continuing secret studies in peace. Only due to Airship travel, and the occasional sea ship, they communicate with the outside world. Even for the long-living elves, the lands of Midgaard seem like taken from the lost past of the Archadian Empire. The nation guards their secrets well and slowly opens up to the world.


The kingdom is ruled by a council of powerful mages, that set the rules and decide the future of their kingdom.


The nation's population is isolationists and many do not seek traveling outside their borders. Those that can enter their lands, these outsiders are seen with distrust as potential thieves of their Magitech.


When the Demon King saved the Riverlands, he raised from the ocean's floor the island of Alvanista. There he moved many powerful wizards and bright minds and founded the city of Is'shantoor (in time it would become Venezia), where many magical experiments were conducted. The island worked with many descendants of the Archadian Empire, trying to regain lost Magitech. After the Demon King's death, many thought the island's population to be lost but the magic held and the people there survived. Instead of despairing, they continued their work and used Magitech to survive the gruesome Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age. A new nation was born, Midgaard, a kingdom of magic. Their advancements in magitech didn't stop and they were able to regain much of the lost technology but knowing what happened in Archeron, they decided to isolate themselves. Trade of their technology was forbidden and they barely kept up any communications with the outside world. Being far from conflicts, allowed them to continue their studies into the arcane. The country opened more after The Second Divergence, when the first Airships arrived from the city of Quadropolis. Seeing many similarities, they took the opportunity and slowly began selling their magitech. Mainly those that would help the commonfolk.

Demography and Population

Almost all citizens of Midgaard are Humans (Old Worlder). The rest human subraces were outbred, while non-humans are only a handful.


Ruling over the Alvanista Island, the nation's magic powers the lands, granting them food and clean water with ease.

Technological Level

A lot of the population uses simple Magitech in their daily life. The country uses advanced Magitech in their army.


There is no state religion but many from the ruling class worship the Silver Librarian.

Foreign Relations

Power in the Mind

Founding Date
After the death of the Demon King
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Government System
Major Exports
Arcane, Magitech, Adamantite
Major Imports
Metals, Rare Ingredients, Exotic Animals, Etherite
Official Languages


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