
Osor-aroth is a shadow of its former self. Once one of the greatest dwarven nations of magic, now it barely holds a magic candle. However, the dwarves do their best to regain their lost strength and shepherd many newcomers to the arcane arts. Their goal is to rebuild what was lost and understand why they lost their brothers and sisters centuries ago. Mysteries won't unravel themselves.  


Long ago, the Crescent of Asta Mountains had many dwarven nations and the mountains were said to be filled with Magic Sources. The legends say that the dwarves of these mountains allowed the Dawi Way to be created much faster than it would normally be possible and anybody going to them could be easily teleported to another fortress, with no need to going the Dawi Way again. They worked closely with the Archadian Empire, seeing their craft as innovative and in many ways, the future of magic. Many believe that this reveals what happened in the mountains. The dwarves, seeking to perfect their craft after seeing the Magitech and Arcanite, when onto creating many experimental artifacts. When the world shattered at the end of the Fourth Age, The Calamity, the mountains went silent. Many years after the Post-Calamity Era in the Fifth Age, Current Age it was revealed, thanks to an expedition to the mountains, that the fortresses are empty and the survivors banded together in the central nation of Osor-aroth. They explained that they did not know what happened, after the Vecna Foiled foiled event, when the continent of Archeron exploded, their brothers and sisters disappeared in a flash of light. Those that didn't use magic were the only ones who survived. After two centuries, they were able to "lock" the other places but there are still more out there, hidden in the mountains. Osor-aroth sends many to reclaim them or close them, even going to hire non-dwarves to do the job.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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