
Known once as Osor-ineth during the Second Age, Godswar, where most of the dwarven race resided. After The Dwarven Word this region fell into anarchy and was ripe for the taking by the Jadeite Empire during the Third Age, Kingdoms. Even after it was rediscovered by the dwarves of the Old World, these fortresses still were in the hands of the empire and not many expeditions, not to mention attempts colonization, were made. Everything changed during War of the Underworld when the Dwarves: Duergar/Gray and Elves: Drow/Dark mounted an attack against the surface. A massive force took back the Ashen Mountains and struck the mainland, only to be driven back and a great wall (Sacred Wall) erected to safeguard from further invasions. Centuries later, the Duergars still are recognizing the past. Many fear that what lies between the mountains could date back to the First Age, The Titan War, where Father of the Forge had his forge.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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