Agratia Order Road Building / Landmark in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Agratia Order Road

The Agratia Order Road is a stone-paved road in the heart of Agratia City that houses the various bureaucratic organizations known as the Orders. Each Order has a unique building with a distinct appearance and serves a different purpose.   For example:   The Order of the Bear, although officially representing trade, is known to have connections with criminal organizations and operates as a group of thugs. Their building is a large wooden structure adorned with bear pelts and bones, and their members can often be seen loitering outside.   The Order of the Dragon is primarily involved in politics and diplomacy, and their building is an impressive marble structure adorned with intricate dragon carvings.   The Order of the Mountain is focused on mining and the acquisition of valuable resources, and their building is a large stone fortress with a grand entrance and sturdy walls.   The Order of the Moon specializes in dealing with bandits and maintaining order in the surrounding regions, and their building is a circular structure with a large moon symbol on the roof.   Despite their official roles, the Orders often clash with one another due to their differing ideologies and goals. In particular, the Order of the Bear is known to have a tense relationship with many of the other Orders due to their criminal connections.
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