Eneth's Blades Building / Landmark in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

Eneth's Blades

The shop is a single storey building of stone walls, with several stained glass windows and a tiled mosaic floor. An obelisk engraved with glyphs stands beside the building.
The shopkeeper is a devout female halfling named Eneth. She blames the gods for every misfortune.
Item Type Rarity Price
+2 Quarterstaff Weapon Rare 4,000 gp
Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location Wondrous Uncommon 20,000 gp
Bolt +1 (each) Weapon Uncommon 25 gp
Broom of Flying Wondrous Uncommon 8,000 gp
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals Wondrous Rare 8,000 gp
Goggles of Night Wondrous Uncommon 1,500 gp
Helm of Telepathy Wondrous Uncommon 12,000 gp
Necklace of Fireballs (Five beads) Wondrous Rare 3,840 gp
Portable Hole Wondrous Rare 8,000 gp
Quiver of Ehlonna Wondrous Uncommon 1,000 gp
Rod of the Pact Keeper +1 Rod Rare 12,000 gp
Scroll of Acid Splash Scroll Common 20 gp
Scroll of Blinding Smite Scroll Uncommon 400 gp
Scroll of Control Water Scroll Rare 640 gp
Scroll of Detect Magic Scroll Common 120 gp
Scroll of Divine Word Scroll Very Rare 5,120 gp
Scroll of Entangle Scroll Common 120 gp
Scroll of Find Familiar Scroll Common 157 gp
Scroll of Goodberry Scroll Common 120 gp
Scroll of Goodberry Scroll Common 120 gp
Scroll of Grasping Vine Scroll Rare 640 gp
Scroll of Guiding Bolt Scroll Common 120 gp
Scroll of Protection from Plants Scroll Rare 180 gp
Scroll of Searing Smite Scroll Common 120 gp
Scroll of Skywrite Scroll Uncommon 240 gp
Scroll of Stinking Cloud Scroll Uncommon 400 gp
Scroll of Transmute Rock Scroll Rare 1,920 gp
Sending Stones Wondrous Uncommon 2,000 gp
Shop, Magic
Parent Location