Ma'haran Character in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil


The champion of Morgrek during the great war of champions 4 thousand year ago. The story is that she founded the first iteration of the Brodanian Empire and is the progenitor of vampires. She was fabled to have been defeated by Sha'haan in the final battle.   Ma'haran was a legendary figure from the time of the Great War of Champions, four thousand years ago. As the champion of Morgrek, she was feared and revered by many. According to legend, Ma'haran founded the first iteration of the Brodanian Empire and is considered the progenitor of vampires.   Ma'haran was known for her long, black hair and striking appearance. She was a skilled fighter, specializing in the use of a long, thin rapier, and was feared for her incredible speed and agility. Her fighting style was elegant and precise, and she was said to be able to disarm her opponents with ease.   Despite her formidable reputation, Ma'haran was ultimately defeated in the final battle of the Great War of Champions by Sha'haan, the champion of the opposing side. Her defeat was a turning point in the war, and it is said that her legacy lives on to this day in the form of the vampires she is believed to have created.   After the final battle, he body was carried off by Sha'haan into the desert. As the body of a champion doesn't erode, it was hidden in an unmarked grave in the central Brodanian Empire. This was later found by some mercenaries under the order of Lord Corvin.