Sha'haan Character in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil


The last great champion of Soltrer. He is responsible for the creation of the Temple of the Sun Dragon to house artifacts to be hidden from the forces of Morgrek.
  Sha'haan was a towering figure, standing well over seven feet tall with broad shoulders and a muscular build. His hair was golden and shone like the sun itself, while his eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to glow with inner light. He wore a suit of gleaming plate armor, intricately crafted and adorned with holy symbols of Soltren.
  Sha'haan's sword, a long and slender blade, was a work of art in its own right. Its hilt was studded with precious gems and its blade shimmered with a silvery light. He carried himself with the poise and confidence of a warrior who had seen many battles and emerged victorious from each one.
  Despite his formidable appearance, Sha'haan was known for his kindness and compassion. He would often be found healing the sick or tending to the wounded, using his divine powers to ease their pain and suffering. He was revered by all who knew him, and his name was spoken with reverence and awe.
  Sha'haan's greatest challenge came during the Great War of Champions, when the forces of darkness threatened to overrun the land. He led the charge against the enemy, rallying his fellow champions and driving back the hordes of demons and undead with his sword and divine powers.
  After the war, Sha'haan devoted himself to the service of Soltren, building the Temple of the Sun Dragon as a place to house artifacts of great power that could be used to defend the land from future threats. He remained there for the rest of his days, revered as a hero and a champion of the light.
  Though Sha'haan has long since passed into legend, his name lives on.


Divine Classification