Marka Faquin

The brother of Egel Faquin, he wears heavy armour and lost his voice during the trials.   Marka Faquin is a drow, son of the dark Elf general. He stands tall and imposing, with a lean and muscular build that reflects his dedication to physical training and combat prowess. Marka's skin is a deep shade of obsidian, as is typical of his kind, and his piercing eyes are a piercing shade of icy blue, a rare trait among drow.   As the son of a general, Marka was raised in a highly competitive environment, where he had to prove himself worthy of his father's attention and respect. Despite this pressure, he was able to thrive, displaying a natural aptitude for leadership and combat.   Marks wears a suit of black armor, expertly crafted and enchanted to provide the greatest protection without impeding his movements. The armor bears the insignia of his family, which serves as a reminder of his obligations and his place in drow society.   As one of five sons, Marka has had to deal with the loss of his siblings, three of whom died during the Fountain Guard trials. The experience has hardened him, making him more resolute and focused on achieving his goals, both for his family and himself.   Despite his tough exterior, Marks has a soft spot for those he considers friends and allies. He is fiercely loyal to those who earn his trust, and will stop at nothing to protect them from harm. However, he can be ruthless and calculating when it comes to his enemies, showing no mercy or compassion for those who threaten his goals or his people.   Overall, Marka Faquin is a formidable drow warrior, skilled in combat and driven by a fierce sense of duty to his family and his people. His experiences have shaped him into a fierce and uncompromising leader, one who is feared and respected by all who cross his path
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