The crystal of life 1 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The crystal of life 1

General Summary

It is the year 40 AI and a handful of adventurers found themselves in Elgenfort on the day of the night of the one moon. The one night a year when all three moons are aligned and there are festivities across the continent.   These adventurers had all met the night before and become quite merry, which lead to their current situation of trying to remedy their problem with hair of the dog. Velma, the lizard wizard, purchased a bottle of whisky for a gold, while the rest added some ale to their tab. Jarf, the inn keeper, offered for his wife to cook them some food, at which reality sank in and he remembered his wife had recently passed away. To try to counter the awkwardness, he ran in to the kitchen to start rustling up some sausages and bacon.   The group then discussed approaching a broad drunken elf that had been drowning her sorrows since the party arrived the day before. Unfortunately the elf could hear them chatting, which lead to the conversation getting off on the wrong foot. The conversation was lead by a large Firbolg Cleric, called Derry, and they discovered that the elf, Melm, had recently been let go from her position of protecting the crystal of life, along with the lord's sister Elandra, and was not in the best of moods.   At this Feegan, another guard, barged in to the inn to announce that the crystal has been stolen and anyone capable of helping should report to the throne room in the castle immediately. He briefly shouts at the Melm and continues shouting his news down the street.   The party were quite suspicious of this and decided to run after Feegan to see where he went. The chase being lead by a human ranger, called Leigh, and a Triton rogue, called Migis. He briefly knocked at the door of someone called Tauz, declaring that he must not be back yet, and carried on to the castle. The group were able to catch up with the guard and try to question him about the subject, he vaguely mentioned that the crystal prevented the dead coming back to life in the town and that it was quite important to get it back.   In the throne room, the brother of lord Coltrun Elgen, Bardoy, was shouting at the lord that this was another mark in his long list of failures and he should leave the town and abandon his throne. Bardoy asked the group why they were there and continued to shout at the lord for making the stupid decision of letting everyone know that the crystal was missing and to recruit random people to help in the matter. He proceeded to storm out.   The lord offered 50gp per person to find the crystal, and they should start at the temple or with Tauz. During this conversation the group also learned that the lord was quite arrogant, but also very incompetent and didn't really know what was going on. He also said that his sister should be at the room where the crystal was being held and should be able to help.   When trying to leave the room, the group where attacked by 4 zombies. One instantly fell and re-died, indicating that there was still some antiresurection magic near the town. The group were able to dispatch the other 3 in some style, including a decapitation, fire/electricity combos and a t-ball slug to the final zombie holding his head to his body by a thread. These three heads were thrown at the feet of lord Coltrun as justification for increasing the fee to 72gp each.   The party then proceeded to investigate the room where the crystal was kept. The sister was nowhere to be seen and upon close inspection it was determined that there were no signs of a struggle, just the crystal was no longer there.   This lead the group to the temple of the raven queen where they met two priests and informed them of the missing crystal. They learned that the priests had swore to protect the town and the temple, and had been conducting investigations at night, believing there to be a cult forming in the town. They had found some red robes, on several occasions, at the north road leaving the town. The taller of the two priests, Deaussa Iotrov, revealed that the night of the single moon was a time when the magics around life and death wax and wane and there may be the possibility for a ritual involving the crystal. The priests offered to help the group, one of them would be willing to join the party to help get back the crystal, the tall, pale woman with blonde hair had a mace and shield and the dwarf woman had a large quarterstaff. After tellling the priests that they also planned to talk to Tauz, they said they would not join the party if you worked with him as they did no approve of his athiestic ways.   The team proceeded to head over to talk to Tauz Nanelia. The door had a painting of a large moon. There was no answer when knocking and shouting at the door. Migis, the sea urchin, checked the walls for a secret entrance but failed to the extent that he annoyed the occupant of the house. He then tried to pick the lock, continuing to annoy the occupant to the extent that he opened the door mid lock picking attempt. Tauz is a large copper dragonborn with a two handed sword on his back. He revealed that he was a new member of the Order of the Moon who recently was sent of a mission to reclaim a stolen green dragon wyrmling from some bandits. The end goal being to kill the dragon child while another group from the order was sent to kill its mother to prevent any retaliation against humanoids in the future from either dragon. He suggested that a dragon could be used in a magic ritual and asked the group if they had heard of anything. Leigh and Velma went to investigate where the dragon was taken from and found tracks leading north out of the village. While this was happening Derry was trying to convince Tauz to let Leigh borrow his shield and Migis tried to crawl past him in the doorway to investigate his house. Tauz picked up Migis by the collar, without looking, and threw him back out in to the street.   The session was ended when Tauz agreed to join the group in searching north of the town for the dragon and the crystal.
Report Date
19 Feb 2021
Primary Location