The Crystal of Life 2 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Crystal of Life 2

General Summary

After an afternoon rest at their rooms, the group met up to head out of the north of the village with Tauz. By moonlight they could see two figures in red coats moving up the road, roughly 100m ahead. The adventurers moved up the road with Velma covering their tracks with mould earth and Leigh ensuring that they were still following the cart tracks from the chapterhouse of Order of the Moon.
  Further up the road, the hooded figures turned off, and the group followed. While deciding their next best action, they heard more figures approaching behind them. Seeing an opportunity, the party hid in the bushes. Unfortunately, the group was very quickly spotted and Derry tried to convince the person that they were a cow. This failed. At which he drew his club, and in a single attack killed the cultist.
  The adventurers hid the body, and Derry used a spell to disguise himself to mimic his appearance. Then they progressed further in to the woods. Shortly the group came across an area that was lit with torches, covered in moss and mushrooms, with bones on the floor. As they slowly progressed, they tried to sneak past two shambling skeletons.
  The disguised Derry could move in to the area, but the following group were recognised and the two skeletons attacked. Through magic rocks, Leigh was able to cause considerable damage to the first skeleton and it was finished by a crushing great sword blow from Tauz. The second skeleton was distracted by a spell from Velma and smashed by a magic stone. The disorientated skeleton swayed and dodged an arrow fired by Migis and a fire spell from Derry to be finished by another rock.
  Upon getting further in to the forest, the group saw three more cultists, a dragon in a cage and the crystal on a table. Derry approached the cultist standing guard and, overhearing his name was Arthur, started a conversation. They called Arther up to help with the ritual as the more rotund of the cultists asked for the third, referring to Elandra by name, to open the cage so they could sacrifice the dragon. In the background, Migis was sneaking to the other side of the ritual and hiding behind a wall.
  The green dragon wyrmling used this opportunity to attack the cultist, killing him with a single bite. He fell to the floor, revealing himself to be Jarf the innkeeper. At this the group charged to engage the dragon and the cultists. Derry screamed "Hey Arthur" to cause a distraction and Leigh killed him with a single stick strike to the neck. Tauz started sprinting, exclaiming that they must kill the wyrmling. The dragon bit Elandra, ripping out her throat, but was instantly hit with a critical ice knife in the back from Velma, almost slaying the beast in a single hit.
  Migis took this as a chance to run in a side door, flip over a table and bring his rapier down on the dragon. The blade glanced off its hide without inflicting any damage. Tauz brought his greatsword down and decapitated the beast and finishing the job.
  Upon returning to town, the group received some small moon order coppers, which Tauz explained may help get them through some doors in the future. The party decided it was best to give the crystal to the priests, as they seemed more capable and willing than anyone at the castle.
  Heading through the continued moon festival festivities, the were greeted in the throne room by Bardoy Elgen rather than Coltrun Elgen. After some quick scanning of the room, Leigh saw a dented guard helmet against one of the walls and determined there had been a coup during the distractions of the festival and the crystal adventure. He threw them some money and told them, not so politely, to leave.
  The group headed back to the inn to leave town rather sharp and adventure another day.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
24 Feb 2021
Primary Location