The Night Market 3 Report in The 3rd Dimension | World Anvil

The Night Market 3

General Summary

The adventurers were approached in the tavern by an greying man. He introduced himself as Emeniel Shepherd and said that he worked for the Order of the Chimera. He offered the group a silver chimera coin just to come with him and listen to his proposal.
He took them to a basement, in a house in the slums outside Larkmead where he introduced the dhamphir Ucar Ouna who is the son of a vampire lord in Brodanean Empire. He ran away and is trying to peacefully experiment with magic. During one of these experiments, his magic started to behave strangely, and he was attacked by devils. He ran north of the border and sought helped from Shepherd.
The group agreed to go back to the site, with Ucar, and investigate/kill the devils. He gave them 3 silver coins, with faces on, that if activated and thrown in to the shadow of someone, they could track that person for 24 hours. He also gave them a gold coind that was already activated and would indicate he direction of Ucar's father. They were advised to run if they encountered him. On the way they were ambushed by direwolves, which annoyed Ucar as he explained there is a naturall hierarchy to the dark creatures in the Brodanean empire. Therefore something must be wrong for the wolves to be attacking a dhamphir.
After defeating the wolves, just, the group moved on to the experiment site. It was a three storey ancient temple, from a previous civilisation, that was covered in imps, hell hounds and a large devil. They positioned themselves on the wall and planned an attack. They sent the imps to sleep and positioned themselves so they could fight the hell hounds and devil one at a time. Successfully dodging flaming breath attacks and sniping the devil meant that the fight was won relatively easily.
Investigating the temple the group came across a large triangle in the rock. This triagle was strange as it wasn't a different material, the wall itself was just a different colour. After a quick chat with Ucar, they were told that the Brodanean empire is full of dark creatures, most of the lords are vampires or werewolves etc and their armies are just as powerful. The only reason they haven't taken over the continent is that they are too busy infighting. A devil incursion would provide a common enemy, and if the vampires won, they would steamroll everyone else. Therefore they must stop the incursions before this happens.
The group returned to Larkmead to prepare and come up with a plan.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
21 May 2021
Primary Location