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Ser Melchor Fritz

The Dawn Knight, Ser Melchor Fritz

Melchor was the Grand Knight of Albion and former Commander of the Saber Corps as well as Empress Eunisia Rosewood's royal guard. As the Empire's Grand Knight, Melchor held the highest possible rank within the Empire's army and had supreme authority over their military.

Dawn Knight

Melchor's unmatched swordsmanship and his command of Astromancy made him an unstoppable force on the battlefield. His sword strokes blazed with stellar flames and he descended on the battlefield wreathed in a halo of radiance.  Melchor was recognized as the most powerful warrior within the Empire, perhaps even in all of Seraphix, rivaled only by High Clerist Selena Wisel. His sudden disappearance at the end of the War of Four Suits was a shock to all those who knew his name.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Melchor was in the prime of his life and in peak physical condition. His strength, toughness, and speed were almost superhuman.

Identifying Characteristics

Silver hair.

Special abilities

Melchor was a Sternritter, touted as the Empire's strongest warrior. He had no equal in terms of swordsmanship.

Specialized Equipment

Melchor's sword, Meteonis, was said to have been a Babylonian artifact forged with the light of a dying star trapped within its blade. Capable of emitting that power through its blade, none could withstand its mighty strokes.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

During the War of Four Suits, Melchor almost singlehandedly drove Vesper d'Honaire's forces out of the Heartland and back into Clovergarde.

Morality & Philosophy

Melchor was intensely loyal to the crown and to House Rosewood to whom he pledged fealty to. He carried out any order given to him without reservation.




Contacts & Relations

Lawful Good
Current Status
Missing in action, thought to be deceased.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Knight, Ser
30 (last seen)
Year of Death
1372 AB
Circumstances of Death
Melchor vanished without a trace, leaving no clues behind.
Place of Death
Current Residence
Short, Silver
Aligned Organization


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