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Tybalt Bellgrave (Ti-blt)

The Cat Prince, Lord Tybalt Bellgrave

Tybalt is the bastard son of Duke Jonah Bellgrave's and is the youngest of his two children. The identity of Tybalt's mother is unknown and his father refuses to answer any questions regarding her. Up until the War of Four Suits, Tybalt was known as 'Tybalt Diamondfeld' and was not recognized as a formal member of House Bellgrave. However, after playing a key role in the war by preventing House Brutoris' troops from crossing into Clovergarde and rendezvousing with House d'Honaire, Jonah legitimized him and granted him the right to take his family's surname.

Prince of Cats

Tybalt earned this moniker when he was just 12 years old after surviving his ninth near death experience. As a child, Tybalt survived a number of assassination attempts and alleged accidents ranging from bandit attacks, falling from one of Cair Diamant's towers, drowning while swimming in the Adder, and even accidents involving his carriage while traveling. Miraculously, Tybalt survived all of these brushes with death and baseless rumors began circulating within Diamondfeld that his father was the one behind these attempts on his life. Whether these rumors were true or not had little effect on Tybalt, who simply endured the whispers and pitiful looks in silence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tybalt is tall and lanky, skinnier than he is muscular.

Identifying Characteristics

A natural white streak in his otherwise black hair.

Special abilities

Tybalt is an exceptionally skilled arcanist and has focused the bulk of his research in the study of Divination.

Mental characteristics


Although he is a bastard, Jonah still insisted that his son receive the best education available to him. Like his father, Tybalt studied at the Akademie der Hexer, though he dropped out after only 2 months.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During the War of Four Suits, a 17-year old Tybalt was ordered by his father to take a portion of the Bellgrave army and block off Roebeck Crossing where Duke Brutoris' men were attempting to cross into Clovergarde to rendezvous with the d'Honaire forces. Tybalt successfully repelled any forces that attempted to cross into Clovergarde, and was granted the right to take his family's surname after the war concluded.

Mental Trauma

It's unsure whether Tybalt carries any sort of trauma after experiencing so many near-death experiences, but he shows no outward signs.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tybalt is exceedingly intelligent and from a young age displayed a keen intellect and wisdom. He thinks logically and chooses the most rational approach when approaching problems.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Tybalt is a connoisseur of the fine arts and enjoys painting, attending the Opera, and collecting art pieces. Tybalt is also an accomplished pianist and violinist.

Tybalt dislikes people who cannot appreciate the finer things in life and those who take their blessings for granted.


Family Ties

Tybalt is a bastard born from a woman whose identity is unknown. His relationship with his father, Duke Jonah Bellgrave is a strained one. Jonah has never treated him poorly, but has always kept him at arms length. His relationship with his half-sister Minerva is much better. Despite his status as a bastard, she was kind to him when they were children and the two have formed a close familial bond.

Religious Views

Tybalt observes and respects the approved religious practices within the Aurelian Empire.

Social Aptitude

Tybalt is somewhat of a wallflower, usually content to skirt by without standing out. Despite this, he is well-read and eloquent and is more than capable of functioning in social environments. He has a quiet charm that causes people to gravitate towards him when he speaks.

Wealth & Financial state

House Bellgrave controls the gold and diamond mines within the Empire, and enjoys proportional wealth and prestige.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, Cat Prince, Prince of Cats
Current Residence
Cair Diamant
Dark blue
Black with a white streak, undercut
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Tybalt is a polyglot and is fluent in Common, High Seraphixian, Elvish, Dwarvish, Halfling, Gnomish, and Celestial. In his spare time he studies Thieves Cant, Infernal and Abyssal.


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