The Doctrines of Vojûn in The Awakening Dream | World Anvil
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The Doctrines of Vojûn

The power of Vojûn is as immense as it is varied. When Atûn died in the year zero, access to this energy was suddenly thrust upon the mortal world at large. Those first years were mired by chaos, as individuals from every race and culture began to dabble in this new force that they felt around them. Unlike the power of Eshara, whose powers have been enumerated and prophesized over the centuries, Vojûn carried no guidance or precedent. The only mortals with exposure to it were the Etayen, Atûn’s children, and they jealousy guarded their knowledge from a world they considered to be vile and unworthy. Qadal was left adrift. The outpouring of Vojûn across the world not only created malign beasts formed from the concentrated essence but led to a period of violent instability throughout the period following year zero.   During the entire period of the Weeping Era, kingdoms and individuals alike struggled to cope with the untamable nature of Vojûn. The more brash among them, particularly in Everos and Othos, sought to destroy or suppress the practice of Vojûn within their lands. They were ignorant to its origin and purpose, and believed it to either be a punishment from the Eshan or a seed of chaos sown by Ácolitus. It was an astute obServation. Rogue nemeshari wandered the countryside, using what crude manifestion of Vojûn they could muster to rob, pillage, and murder their neighbors. Traditional warriors sent to engage them often met a violent end, wreathed in fire or crushed under immense energy. In time, these first nemeshari formed a social class of their own- priviledged and feared, lording over the lands around them like false kings. However, not all nemeshari were as maleficent as perceived, nor did all rulers bar them from practicing Vojûn. Regions in which the dominion of Étunas had bordered or occupied, such as Savorrot and portions of Midras in Everos, along with western Othos, were tolerant of Vojûn. They had seen the positive power it possessed in the hands of the Voletal and sought to emulate that success within their own realms. A balance of power developed wherein realms that embraced Vojûn were weakened by the uncontrollable turmoil in the short term but grew powerful through its harnessing during later decades. The lands of Qadal which rejected it were left in a constant state of embattlement throughout the Weeping Era.   Conflict regarding the adoption or rejection of Vojûn raged throughout the era, but toward the 700s to 800s a coherent response began to form. It was clear that such energy could not be destroyed, nor every practicioner killed. The death of Atûn ensured that Vojûn would be interwined with the fate of Qadal for all history to follow. Kings and communities alike began to recognize the importance of adapting Vojûn for their own betterment and purposes. Over those years, doctrines of Vojûn began to form- each one articulating the attitutes of a given region. The first such document was crafted in the year 714 by the scholars of Karnast, who changed their derisive attitude regarding Vojûn following years of conflict across Othos between nemeshari and those that hunted them. Others followed the example, such as Gledgast in the late 800s, and the Thûnetal and Voletal of Nathrovas during the early 900s. Among those closest related to the Etayen past, the need for ‘doctrines’ was non-existent- they already understood the energy’s properties. The doctrines that were crafted evolved from simple statements of fair intention to robust treatise on the role of Vojûn within those communities or nations.

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