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Shadows Never Sleep

The party returned to Easthaven after The Raven Queen informed Ladrian Tarquilian of a threat beneath the streets. They entered the sewers and began to descend downwards. They encountered several creatures many of which were infected with Iquor. After reaching the centre of the sewer network, the party found a gaping pit where all the water was draining into, as well as a number of soldiers gathered round a broken gateway. The party recognised the outfits on the soldiers as those from the Auction Heist and overheard part of their conversation. The learned they were supposed to have been met by others but had seemingly been left down here for days. Ladrian quickly realised that the broken gateway was the source of his masters concerns and so the party sprang into action.

Though the enemies were few in numbers they fought hard, with one even summoning a Hellhound with a chain whip. One of the foes seemed to be magical archer and was using a harpoon like bow to pull people into the pit. When it became clear the fight would soon be lost, the archer fired an arrow into one of his former allies, dragging him into the pit. When the fighting was done he introduced himself as Scott Mason. He explained he was a mercenary payed to assist a group called Tempus' Legion in defending this place. He also explained that the group were trying hard to get him to join them but he was more a job to job individual, not really liking settling for one group. Once they were done speaking with him, Ladrian approached the broken gate and saw there was a large amount of Iquor around its base. He felt a sudden connection and was drawn into a dreamlike state. While there he saw a large, dark figure sitting on a throne that seemed to be made of black ice. The being seemed to be made of liquid shadow and began to speak with Ladrian. He seemed surprised to see him and was curious when Ladrian mentioned the Raven Queen. The figure warned Ladrian that she wasn't to be trusted and that there are far more powerful figures that lurked in the darkness of The Shadowfell.

The party then began to head back to the surface with Scott as a prisoner. They quickly grew to like the man and Borghur Gro-Baruuk even gave him a lock pick to break free of his restraints once they had parted. Not long after handing him into the authorities, Mason had escaped and followed Borghur's advice and joined The Underguild.
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