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The Price of Perfection

Having heard that the City Watch were looking for assistance in investigating an incident, the party decided to lend a hand to earn some respect within the capital. The party were told to head to Stoneridge Prison and speak with the warden, Balmur Stonehammer. The warden introduced the party to a member of the watch, Alain Vorsen who had been investigating the problem and explained the situation. Three men had been apprehended the night before outside a local tavern. Each of the three men was experiencing different physical enhancements. One was horrifically malformed but had the strength of several men, one was bone thin but seemed to possess superhuman speed and the last was unwillingly phasing in and out of sight but was in terrible pain. Vorsen explained that all three men had been seen in the tavern earlier in the evening and had shown no signs of their afflictions. The man who had grown incredibly strong had died the night before in his cell and an autopsy had been arranged later that afternoon. After receiving this information Balmur told the party he wanted them to find out what caused this and stop anyone else from falling victim to these effects.
The party decided they should attempt to talk with the prisoners despite their condition and began making their way deeper into the prison. On the way to the holding cells, the party encountered two guards carting the enormous bloated corpse of the man that had died the night before. Wanting to let the staff finish the autopsy as quickly as possible the party asked no questions and continues towards their target. Upon arriving at the cells, the party saw just how badly the two men had been affected. When they tried to communicate with the men it became clear that they were not in a sound state of mind. However, Ladrian Tarquillian used telepathy to directly communicate with one of the prisoners. He learns that the three men were sold a potion that they believed to be a new type of narcotics by a man with a Basoran accent and a white streak through their hair. Having learned all that they could the party returned to Balmur to report their findings. The captain seemed impressed with the quick work of the group and said that he would send a group to collect the body scheduled for autopsy. Confused, the party questioned the pair of guards they had seem earlier, to which Balmur seemed equally unaware. Realising what had happened, the party began to race to where they had seen the guards heading. Alain informed them that the route they were headed was a dead end and since magic is blocked within the prison, the imposters should be trapped. However, upon arriving at the end of the corridor all they found was a solid wall next to an empty cell. Alain cursed and told the party to investigate the area whilst he ran to raise the alarm. Borghur had a feeling that something wasn't right and used his training with the The Underguild to test for hidden switches. Sure enough, his suspicion proved right as a section of the wall inside the adjacent cell opened revealing a secret passageway.
  Not wanting to let the suspects get any further away the party entered a swift pursuit. They notice that the passage began to slope down below ground, eventually leading into an open area of sewers. The area had corridors spiltting off in all directions and the party were worried they'd lost their target. However, Carthus noticed fresh wheel tracks in the mud leading down one of the passages and the party restarted their pursuit. After some time the tracks stopped and they found the cart they had seen earlier. Sadly, the cart was empty other than a small pouch that lay in the mud. Next to the cart was a ladder leading up and taking swift action, the party began to climb and found themselves in a storage room surrounded by barrels and the noise of jovial chatter. The party realised that they were in the one of the taverns called the Dark Sleep. Sadly, by the time the party emerged from the tavern, the crowded streets caused them to loose their target. The trail wasn't cold yet though, as in the pouch they found in the sewer contained a potion vial and the barkeep had some interesting information. After Borghur revealed his The Underguild connections, the barkeep explained that The Right Kind of People used the bar as a front to smuggle items in and out of the prison. He also explained that a man he'd never met before with a white streak though his hair had paid handsomely to gain access to the secret entrance.
After taking some time to rest, the party regrouped with Alain and explained what they had found. Alain recommended that the party visit one of the alchemists within the city or alternatively take a longer trip to visit former Marwind College professor, Walden Snow. Wanting to get professional help the party decided to visit the professor at his home near Protectors Enclave. Upon arrival at the Snow residence, the party were met by Walden's wife who said that her husband was working in his lab and that she would let him know that they were here. Whilst the party waited to be let inside Carthus was able to overhear frantic dragging of furniture coming form the direction of the lab. Once inside the professor seemed eager to help the group but it was clear that he was hiding something. It was only when Mushu lifted a covering revealing barrels marked with a badger clutching an apple that the party realised that he was lying to them. Walden confessed that he was being blackmailed into helping a group called The Vipers create a new form of drug that was supposed to help make people become the best version of themselves. He explained that he was dying of an incurable disease and that he was offered a device that would keep him alive in exchange for his service. He lifted his shirt to reveal a strange mechanical device that was attached to his chest and explained that the groups employer had given it as a gift to ward off his illness. However, the group he was working with had gotten greedy and tried to replicate the drug themselves and had been selling it on the streets. Walden explained that the gang were operating out of an alchemists shop in the traders district called 'Cork and Cauldron'. Though he was happy for the gang to be taken down, he feared that if he stopped working on the drug his employer would activate a kill switch on his device. The party agreed top let Walden go if he agreed to either disrupt the process or make it safe for consumption. Agreeing to the terms Walden wished the party luck as they headed off to end this mess.
Arriving at the 'Cork and Cauldron', Borghur decided to take a stealthy approach and climbed onto the thatched roof of the small cottage shop. Due to his size, the roof didn't hold and he fell into the shop casing the gang to raise the alarm. Borghur clearly saw the man with the white streak in his hair run into a back room and begin calling for everyone to get upstairs. As the party fought the Vipers in the shop, the unmistakable sound of barrels smashing could be heard coming from the back room. Fearing their target would get away, Borghur vaulted the bar and ran down the stairs. Borghur saw that the man they had been chasing had tipped over barrels of oil and was holding a flaming torch above it, threatening to burn the whole place to the ground if the party didn't surrender. Without hesitation Borghur use the Ring of the Ram to blast the man against the back wall, extinguishing the torch and killing him in the process. Once the dust had settled, the party freed the original owner of the shop and scoured the place for clues. They found the bloated corpse of the ill victim, half dissected in cold storage in the basement along with a Basoran rifle as well as some interesting looking ammunition. They also found links to the gangs employer, an individual calling themselves The Brewmaster.
  After finding everything they could they returned to Stoneridge prison to debrief with Balmur. Before they could speak with the warden, Alain apperd and made the group an offer. He revealed that he was an agent working for the Master of Spies and that the existence of the Dark Sleep's secret passage had to remain hidden. He said that if they trusted him and didn't tell the warden what they found, they would have earned the spymasters respect. Seeing this as an opportunity to gain some new allies, the party agreed. Whilst Balmur was not best pleased that the party didn't find how the two imposters had slipped in and out of his prison, he couldn't deny that the party had done their job and gifted them his old mace from his fighting days.
Despite the job being finished, the party still felt their were questions left unanswered. Who is the Brewmaster? What do they plan to do with this new drug? They couldn't say, but they knew they needed to find out.
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