Aspect of Persistence

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Persistence have power over temporal energy to be able to generate and/or 'persist' varying phenomenon in their environment. This ability to persist draws power from the Realm of Grey Flame  itself and mixes it with Flux to create a 'Drajinic Flame' of a unique individual color. This flame can be used towards various purposes based on the wielder's use, from generating and expanding new phenomena to suppressing existing ones. However, the flame created is very dangerous, and must be handled with care, as the energies involved can result in dangerous temporal anomalies if not harnessed correctly.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Eyes of the Dragon (Celestial OOO) - Wielders of this power are able to sense adjustments to the time-stream, giving them an intuitive prescience against most non-majykal actions. Players may roll their Celestial Sphere against a difficulty of 11-1 per point in Eyes of the Dragon to avoid the surprise nature of a non-magical sneak attack. With higher points, this can further allow them to 'Read the Flames' better than most, with players rolling a Perception + Enigma/Investigation with a difficulty of 13-1 per point to do so.

Background Abilities

  • Resistance to temporal changes or attacks that induce temporal fluctuations.
  • Affinity with flux allows easier breathing in flux-infused air.
  • Innate affinity with Dragons and Issyls that cannot be explained through words, easier to form bonds with them.
  • Immune to one's own Drajinic flame, and resistant to that of others.

Celestial Cores

  • Generate/Manipulate/Infuse Drajinic Flame

    Generate/Manipulate/Infuse Drajinic Flame

    Generate/Manipulate/Infuse Drajinic Flame
    This core represents the ability of the wielder to generate their Drajinic Flame mixture of temporal energy and Flux, control its trajectory and/or shape it into Forms, and Infuse it into objects to provide a steady (if temporary) stream of energy to temporarily maintain the expenditure or use of energy. With training and focus, attacks wielding this flame can be used to over-enhance enemies attacks, causing them to be thrown off balance, or worse, hurt themselves with attacks that they generate.   Generate Components: 1 Drajinic Flame for every 2 successes when rolling Tempus Sphere + Flux Sphere at normal difficulty (adjusted based on Form). One guaranteed flame, and an additional guaranteed flame for every 2 points in Intonation beyond the first. Requires a Reaction or that it be done as part of a Harmonium or Linked Standard Action.
    Core Requirements
    Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOO), Flux Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type
  • Persist Phenomenon

    Persist Phenomenon

    Persist Phenomenon
    This core represents the ability of the wielder of this effect to use their Drajinic Flame to cause a phenomenon of their choice, as well as their effects, to persist for longer than normal. Examples include causing a lightning bolt to linger before dissipating, maintain the concussive and/or heat effects of an explosion, or extend the light of a flash bomb.   Component Rules: The nature of the phenomenon and what/how it is persisted is heavily dependent on the player's intent and Capacitance to determine the number of flames needed to persist the effect and for how long it lingers.
    Core Requirements
    Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOO), Flux Sphere (OO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  In addition to the tail, intricate horns and bony protrusions typically associated with Drajin, the wielders of this power also have hairs like that of whiskers on the sides of their face regardless of sex that take on the appearance of whiskers. These whiskers and their horns burn in the color of their Drajinic Flame when their powers are activated.

Node Locations

  In addition to their primary core at the base of their tail (as is normal for Animaphra), Drajin have two at the base of their horns near the top of their foreheads above each eyebrow (or under their one horn in the rare instance where they are born with a single horn).

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Elent form of this power are known as Dragoncalled. Their temporal understanding being firmly anchored in the present, their ability to draw upon the flames of the timestream is circumvented by their inherent power to convert their temporal energies into other forms of energies or material through the use of the Flux part of their Drajinic Flame. With additional focus and skill, these energies and materials can be 'Persisted' through further use of their power, making them more self-sufficient, even as the volume of the flames they produce is more limited.   Additional Core:   Form from Flame

Form From Flame

Form From Flame
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create minor to moderate phenomena through the transmutation of flux enhanced by the temporal energy that is contain within Drajinic Flame. Such phenomenoa can then be persisted with further temporal energies to enhance their effects further. The difficulty of creating the effect increases based on its complexity.
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOO), Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOO), Flux Sphere (OO)
Core Type
-Increased difficulty in drawing flames from the timestream (generating flames)  

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Myst form of this power are known as the Retracers. The rarest form of this power, the temporal energies draw upon the immediate past, allowing them to disrupt the present by using the flux element of their Drajinic flame to return the energies and materials they target back into temporal energy. While this does not apply to living material, this does cause direct damage to living beings, and is the only commonly known direct form of temporal damage that can be dealt to living beings. However, this makes it much more difficult to infuse and therefore persist phenomenon as opposed to dismissing it, requiring additional training and focus to achieve that which is more common among other Forms.   Additional Core:   Returning Flame

Returning Flame

Returning Flame
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to wield time and flux in equal measure to return material and energy to the Realm of Grey Flame. This requires a large amount of Drajinic Flame to achieve, but in doing so it returns an equal amount of energy back to the Grey Flames. In order to achieve this, the 'damage' the effect can do must be weighed against the damage the effect it is neutralizing would do. If the former matches or overcomes the latter, the latter is rendered ineffective.   Component Rules: The ability to neutralize an effect requires a total number of dice rolls equal to or exceeding the effect in question, and the player therefore needs to estimate how many Drajin Flame components to dedicate to this purpose. Each flame's neutralizing effect is equivalent to 1 base success +1 dice to roll per 2 points in Intonation. However, if the player only partially succeeds, adding additional flames to neutralize falls under the Multi-action rules.
Core Requirements
Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOOO), Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Flux Sphere (OOOOO))
Core Type
-Increased difficulty in Infusing/Persisting phenomenon with their attacks.

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Flou form of this power are known as the FesterFlames. Their temporal energies draw upon the immediate future, and doing so gives their Drajinic Flames the unique ability to 'stagnate' enemies and, with focus and training, their attacks. In practice, this temporally distorts their time so that their actions are delayed with additional time, causing a distortion in their attacks as opposed to those within normal time. However, drawing from the future, however immediate, is tricky, and the flames produced are harder to control than most, making them difficult to manipulate.   Additional Core:   Drajinic Stagnation

Drajinic Stagnation

Drajinic Stagnation
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to 'stagnate' enemy attacks or enemies themselves with Drajinic power. This delays an enemy's attack by 1 to 3 turns depending on how much more the player succeeds at their attack vs the opposing attack. This also can apply to opponents hit by the Drajinic flame with a higher base difficulty. However, with opponents, they cannot be affected by this effect for a number of turns equal to its success before the stagnation effect can be applied again.
Core Requirements
Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOOO), Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Flux Sphere (OO)
Core Type
- Increased difficulty in manipulating Drajinic Flame once generated.

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Fatu form of this power are known as Time-breathers. A rare form they are most attuned to the Realm of Grey Flame as a whole, and are limited only by the avenue of their flame generation, for, as implied by their colloquial title, they are only able to generate their Drajinic Flame using their body and their breath as a catalyst. As such, the amount they can produce at one time is limited by their breath. However, because of their power and temporal attunement, they are able to use their temporal powers to further enhance phenomenon with their flames, beyond merely persisting them, granting them extremely potent abilities, when, of course, they are granted the chance to breathe.   Additional Cores:
  • Drajinic Breath (Replaces Generate/Manipulate/Infuse Drajinic Flame)

    Drajinic Breath

    Drajinic Breath
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to produce and release Drajinic Flame from their own mouths along with their breath. They can choose to do this alongside any action that requires breath, such as speaking, shouting, whispering, etc, and the amount produced adjusts accordingly. The resulting flame is manipulated as normal, but as it coincides with the breath, this process limits the amount that can be generated at one time, increasing with one's lung capacity along with their Intonation.   Generate Components: 1 Drajinic Flame for every 2 successes when rolling Tempus Sphere + Flux Sphere at 7 difficulty, reducible by one point for every two successes of breath concentration (Stamina + Willpower), with difficulty varying on the circumstances. One guaranteed flame baseline, and an additional guaranteed flame for every 3 points in Intonation beyond the first.
    Core Requirements
    Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOO), Flux Sphere (OOOO)
    Core Type
  • Drajinic Enhancement

    Drajinic Enhancement

    Drajinic Enhancement
    This core represents the ability for the wielder to use their Drajinic Flame to not only persist effects but also to enhance them, making flames burn hotter, lights more blinding, darkness more binding, etc.   Component Rules: The nature of the phenomenon and what/how it is persisted is heavily dependent on the player's intent, Intonation and Capacitance to determine the number of flames needed to enhance the effect and for how long it lingers. However, due to the potency of enhancing an effect, this may require a greater number of flames to enhance the effect beyond maintaining it for a lengthier period.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOOO)
    Core Type
Paragonic Origin Verim Dai-Drajkin   Control Schema Multiplex en Simult  - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple elements simultaneously.   Associated Nations/Peoples The Drajin City-States   Associated Racial Categories Animaphra  Lacrimaphra    Mastery Focus Balanced - This Aspect requires a balanced training between basic Shaping and Sagecraft elements.     Associated Elements Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy  Flux Sphere


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