Aspect of Projection

Base Abilities

  Those who wield the Aspect of Projection have the ability to create solid energy projections based on whatever items are on their person or within 6 yards in any direction of their position (1 square away) They can create these solid projections and manipulate them in various ways based on their Form, as well as imbue them with extra energy for greater damaging effects. With increased skill, these solid projections can be used for increased maneuverability and evasive action.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Projection of Self (Celestient OOO): The wielder of this power can create a projection of themself, though doing so also forces them in a direction of choice. While all other projections they make are inflexible and cannot move, the self-projection is capable of the following:
  • -> Lasts 1 round + 1 per point in this ability
  • -> Can move limbs and walk around, but can only attack barehanded at a strength equal to 1/2 the creators Estricto points.
  • -> Displaces the creator 1+1 square every 2 points in a desired direction.
  • -> Can take damage equal to the number of points in this ability +1 per two points in Elmentai (this applies to all projections). This decreases based on a factor of the number of projectiles made (1/2 if doubled, 1/3 if tripled, and so on)
  • -> Can self destruct to release potential energy in a form of choice if desired.
  • -> Only 1 Projection of Self is able to be created at one time, and counts against the maximum amount of projections that the player is capable of making.

Background Abilities

  • Aura of Awareness: Is passively aware of all items on himself (counts against pickpocketing)
  • Multifaceted Thinking: Is able to independently control projections without requiring immense amount of focus.
  • Projection Immunity: Projections are reabsorbed into body instead of dealing damage to him.

Celestial Cores

  • Create/Charge Projections

    Create/Charge Projections

    Create/Charge Projections
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create projections of one or more objects on their person or within close range (1sq) of their person that they can see. The number of projections they can make at default are 1 per point in Intonation, and in the process of creating any projection they can infuse said projection with additional potential energy, which they can use to trigger various effects as desired.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OO), Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this power, alongside their regular Fae features, also seem to have some sort of 'shell-like afterimage' appear when they move on occasion, though this effect is intangible.

Node Locations

  The regular Fae Nodes (Prefrontal Cortex, Back of Neck, Base of tail) as well as the center of the chest.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent Form are known as Psi-storms. The most common and therefore most well know form of this power, they are capable of creating projections which they can wield as readily as if they were holding them in their hands. While this makes them formidable opponents, especially in melee combat, they have difficulty wielding their projections in other Forms without requiring the use of more of them at once.   Additional Core: Array of Projections

Array of Projections

Array of Projections
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create a close ranged array of projections for attack, defense, and the creation of Aspectral Forms. While at least 1 projection is out, they reduce the multi-action penalty involving using them by 1, but must use a minimum of two projections in the creation and use of an Aspectral Form. They can control the projections independently of themselves for both defense and attack
Core Requirements
Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO), Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOOO)
Core Type

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Missile Strikers. They are capable of creating massive numbers of projections, double to triple the amount they are normally capable of. However, these projections do not last very long, and as such they often use them as temporary projectiles for attacks. This makes it riskier for them to infuse their projectiles with additional effects as forms, but their ability to manipulate the size of their projections makes their abilities potentially far more subtle than most, and can be used far more defensively in a pinch.   Additional Core: Projection Missiles

Projection Missiles

Projection Missiles
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create and 'fire' their projections as missiles. The speed at which they do this increases the difficulty of charging the projectiles with potential energy, but allows them to attack at a distance quickly. They can additionally adjust the trajectory of the missiles mid-flight to try and hit around corners, but they cannot do this at sharp angles. The number of projectiles they can create varies between double to triple the normal amount depending on Capacitance, and they can adjust the size of the projectiles, and doing so increases the complexity in doing so by 1 per determined size increase, and decrease in difficulty due to size decrease.
Core Requirements
Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOO), Elmentai - Force of Structure and Being (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Sword-Echos. They are capable of creating only a single projection at once, but this projection trails with the semi-transparent echoes of the projections they would normally be capable of, each just as capable of being infused independently and potentially independently strike opponents as the main one. As such, this not only increases the lethality of the attacks of the single projection, but the semi-transparent echos can be used as fodder for the creation of various forms, and their subtle nature can catch opponents off guard if used properly.   Additional Core: Echoing Projection

Echoing Projection

Echoing Projection
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to combine all their projections into a single Echoing projection. This projection trails echoing, semi-transparent versions of itself equal to the number of projections used to make it, and only one can be out at one time. The echos themselves can be manipulated remotely, allowing them to be used separately to create Forms elsewhere, which can be subtle enough to escape the notice of most enemies and allow for surprise attacks.
Core Requirements
Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Elmentai - Force of Structure and Being (OOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu Form are known as Weapon-Raisers. Unable to create independent projections that float off of a surface, they instead can be partially or fully projected off of any surface that they player touches to a step of 2 degrees (projecting off of a surface that the surface they touched is also touching). Additionally, they can create up to 4 times as many of these projections off the surface, but the projections themselves are not very long lasting without additional concentration and focus. Additional Core: Projection Surface Flow

Projection Surface Flow

Projection Surface Flow
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create 'flows' of projections across surfaces. Unable to create projections independently from a surface, the wielder of this power must instead project them off of a surface they're touching, or that is also touching a surface they touch. They can thus create projections off of themselves (at an increased difficulty) or opponents (at even higher difficulty) among other things. They can make up to 4 times the normal number of projections, but these projections barely last longer than a single round without concentration, being systematized by a Form, or both.
Core Requirements
Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOOO), Elmentai - Force of Structure and Being (OOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Psionos Theika-Eldest   Control Schema   Stricturis  - This occurs when the Aspect only allows for the person to wield power derived or related to a specific phenomenon associated with their power.   Associated Nations/Peoples Faesmithea - House of Psionos   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Shaping Focused - This Aspect requires a strong control over base control over their power before they can even begin focusing on     Associated Elements


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