Season 2, Episode 5: "Breath of Embers" Report

General Summary

The Dream Team finalized their contracts, and bid Valentina Terris farewell. After deciding to spend the night on Absalom Station, the party made a detour to the Lotterbee Brother's Tool Shop, where they purchased a few upgrades, and discovered the presence of a secret downstairs shoe shop... Fish, a planar cobbler and father of five, was delighted to make Isra a set of Falcon Boots, and encouraged the party to come back soon.   During the evening, Ragarot visited Chad via his dreams, and explained that he had joined Ferro's team as part of a debt to his wife's father. He was troubled that the Chessboard Conclave had assigned him to a rival team, and believed that his father-in-law had ulterior motives surrounding his life debt with Chad... Worse yet, he revealed his brother, the Black Owl, was responsible for the party's corrupted dreams, who was acting under the authority of a "Jester". With a warm hug the two said goodbye, and a new day arrived.   Early morning saw the Aga Jain leaving Absalom Station, with a course set for Mataras. Abelina and Mist aired out some disagreements, Tesin revealed an excommunication notice from Project 9, and Chad saw visions of a dangerous future. In other words, not an easy day, with dreams to rival it (see The Round Table - Part 3 and Welcome to the Solarions of Idari).   The next day, the Dream Team left the Drift for the Material Plane, but not at their intended location. Instead of the Burning Archipelago, they had arrived on the opposite side of the sun next to Far Portal, just in time to see a damaged ship flee from the dimensional gate, followed by an enormous fire whale augmented with technological armaments.   At the request of Stationmaster Jori, the party engaged the fire whale, scaring it back through the portal after a series of well-placed shots, and then boarded the Breath of Embers. They found several hostiles from the Plane of Fire, but none were open to communication, save a Rifti Protean ("Snaek") that Chad was able to charm into companionship. The conflict ended with an ambush against a powerful Azer warrior in the captain's quarters, who ended up taking her own life rather than being captured.   But now, after a bull rush of failed diplomacy and one-sided conflicts, the strange ship was laid bare to the Dream Team, and there was plenty of exploring to do...  

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • None
The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
27 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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