Season 3, Episode 2: "The Trial of Tesin Movahesh" Report

General Summary

The Dream Team slept softly on their short trip to the Idari, flying from Mataras to the Kasathan starship overnight.

In their dreams, they saw a tense encounter between the
Centurion and the Dreamer (revealed to be the Grey Owl, Zandeer). The ghost was angry that the Dreamer revealed visions of him to the Dream Team, and warned that the Owl endangered not only their sanity, but the structure of the universe itself. While Zandeer seemed undisturbed by the Centurion's threats, he conceded to his demands, in return for access to the dreamers of Golarion, who had spent several millennia outside of his influence. The two came to an agreement, and then the dream faded...

Back on the Material Plane, the party woke with the Idari in sight, and worked with the authorities to ensure a smooth boarding.
Tesin was quickly apprehended by the Solarions of Idari, and escorted by Master Adyant towards the Proving Pits. Confused by their destination, the party was quick to protest, but played along for the moment, encouraging their friend and offering their support. Just before reaching the arena, Valentina Terris arrived to serve as Tesin's lawyer, and explained that the Grand Master had changed their court location at the last minute. She promised to do her best to defend Tesin, but warned that being sent to Varos had been a kindness on Nawa Jin's part, and to avoid being imprisoned on the Idari.

But rather than a standard trial, Nawa Jin swiftly demanded a trial by combat, set aside from the safeguards presented by Val-Yuddha. After being accepted by the tribunal of Masters (which was quickly augmented by Valentina), Nawa Jin gave his former student two mercies -- he would use only his sword to fight (stripping himself of his armor and gear), and he would not kill her. He told her to bring everything that made her who she was -- even her stolen blade -- and thus invited the remainder of the Dream Team to aid her, but only if they were willing to share in her fate. The group swiftly agreed, and the Grand Master's fury was released... Just as Mist spotted a Skinny Man peek out over the Kasatha's shoulder, ready to cause trouble.
The duel was intense, with the entirety of the Dream Team up against a legend known across the Pact Worlds. Although hindered without his gear or his Mantle (which Chad detected through his Gamervision), Nawa Jin was a wrecking ball all by himself, bringing warriors at their peak to the breaking point in a single swing. Worse yet, the Skinny Man seemed to be against Mist in this encounter, using its entropy-based powers to cause chaos across the battlefield. Abelina pushed herself to the limit, finally syncing with Tesin enough to save her in a pinch, but every member had to act tactically to stop Nawa Jin from gaining too much momentum. In the end, the game of numbers pushed the battle into the Dream Team's favor, but not before the Skinny Man unleashed a ball of pure entropy onto the field, saving some, but devastating others. Lockette and Abelina disappeared outright, and several others were slowed by erroneous effects.
Unsure of the source of the chaos, Nawa Jin went on the defensive, and prepared himself for a final, explosive blow. Sensing the build-up, the party pounced, risking death with every step towards Nawa Jin. The Grand Master entered into overdrive, deflecting blasts and absorbing the fire of their attacks, but even he could not focus through the fury, and at long last, Tesin cut him down. The Lashunta was absolved of all charges in the eyes of the Kasatha, and the Dream Team was quickly the talk of the town. Although they had outnumbered the Grand Master several times over, defeating Nawa Jin in combat was no small feat, and even Tesin's old rivals came to congratulate her. The group handled the wave of social responsibilities stoically while they healed up, but the fate of Lockette and Abelina still weighed heavily on their mind.
Luckily Valentina possessed a method to find them, discovering that Abelina had been sent to a location that looked frighteningly like Lockette's old workshop, and that Lockette had been thrust into Hell. Fearing for the latter's safety, Lockette used Cornelius to create a key in her image, and opened a door to the beyond -- and directly into the crosshairs of an angry Hellknight.

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • Insignia of the Solarions of Idari (Tesin)

Created Content

The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
15 Feb 2021
Primary Location


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