Campaign 2: Session 35 - The Falconer and the Flea

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Skills: 330XP
  • Total: 430XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Total: 520XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 50XP
  • Damage: 9XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Total: 219XP

Missions/Quests Completed

18th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   In the aftermath of crashing their drinking carriage, the mortified driver would rush back to check on his passengers and apologise profusely, but for the group attention had now been drawn to the procession of Giants.   They would be headed by a Half-Giant, and the riders would be integrated between Giants, Half-Giants, and a mixture of beings that resembled humanoid bears. They ride their Mammoths to the adjulation of the onlookers as they proceed down into the Stadion Milena's subterranean level.   Tedduch, spotting Amaruq among the Giant Riders decides to go and greet him. He rushes through beneath the legs of the mammoths, and upon finding the mammoth mounted by Amaruq he scrambles up its leg and climbs up onto the creatures hind to speak with him. Amaruq is both surprised and elated to see Tedduch again and the two take the time to catch up, though the Giant is confused as to why Teddy is there.   Teddy offers to join Amaruq and help him in the impending race, and Amaruq is thrilled to welcome him onto his team and referring to him as a "Flea". Teddy is initially insulted, but Amaruq explains that in the sport of Mammoth racing, a "Flea" is a smaller humanoid or entity that latches on to the mammoth's fur and is present to distract or dispatch rival riders to slow them down and ensure the victory of their rider.   Whilst Teddy would connect with Amaruq, Zi would circle overhead, watching the procession from the skies as they pass underneath them, and they earn the curious pointing and cheers from amongst the crowd as they recognise the champion of the melee. A somewhat unhinged rider named Anik would raise an arm to catch Zi like a falconer catches a bird, and Zi would swoosh down to join him. The Giant would be curious about Zi and would be excited at the idea of using them as a particularly large flea with which to win the race.   Thalmun would see all of this unfold and not wanting to be left out would simply walk forward, latch himself on to a Mammoth's foot and would allow himself to be carried into the subterranean level.   After the rules of Mammoth racing are explained, Tedduch Stoutman would go to the quartermaster and would acquire a fine assortment of rocks that he might use as projectiles once the race commences.   Meanwhile, Zi would get to know the Giant that had accepted them named Anik, and would take the opportunity to fill their mouth with gravel in advance of the contest.   Finally, the bear-like entity that rode the Mammoth carrying Thalmun would notice him and unlike Amaruq and Anik would be reluctant to add him to his team. Thalmun would convince him by mentioning his capacity for Magic, however they would bicker over whether Thalmun could bring their armour and equipment onto the pitch. The bear would insist that they do not cheat, but Thalmun would ignore them and stache a satchel with his armour, tying it to the mammoth's hair beneath its stomach and out of the sight of its rider and the referees.   When the referees would come to inspect each team, Amaruq's team would be allowed through without issue, as Tedduch was insistent on winning fairly.   For Anik's team, Zi would unwillingly vomit up the gravel that they had hidden, but would otherwise be allowed to go out and compete.   Thalmun Burrowale would use Magic to conjure a cloud of smoke which would conceal his hidden armour further, and though the referees would spend ten minutes searching for the source of the smoke and trying to clear it in frustration, they would ultimately fail and would let the team pass.   The Mammoth's would take their place, and Zi and Thalmun Burrowale would note the roaring crowd and would note the signs amongst them in support of the "Mentor Margareeta".   Teddy would notice Audrey showing their support in the crowd, alongside what he initially assumes to be an awake Orville Wepple but he later realises to be the still unconscious Orville Wepple being moved around by his mother.   Teddy also notices Awenir sat with his fathers and also with Rosa who has a bloody lip and a black eye. He doesn't know what to do but ultimately decides to worry about it after the race.   The race would begin and Teddy and Amaruq would race ahead.   Thalmun and his own rider would promptly follow but Thalmun would turn to conjure a crude earthquake, one which would trip a Mammoth and cause a pile-up of Mammoths whom would fall over each other. Anik and Zi, along with the Half-Giant Mentor Margareeta and near twenty-eight other Mammoths would manage to evade the tremors and continue their stampede down the track.   Thalmun's rider would move to surpass Teddy and Amaruq, but in the process of passing, a Wodnik would leap from Ariel's hind and would tackle Thalmun from his Mammoth. He would use Magic to untie his bag of armour from his mammoth as it runs past, and all the while the referees would rush towards him.
Report Date
05 Jun 2024
Primary Location
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