Campaign 2: Session 38 - A Short-Sighted Scheme

Rewards Granted

  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Encounter: 60XP
  • Enemies: 360XP
  • Total: 540XP
Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 210XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Encounter: 60XP
  • Enemies: 360XP
  • Total: 1030XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Damage: 95XP
  • Kills: 180XP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Enemies: 360XP
  • Encounter: 60XP
  • Total: 915XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 300XP
  • Enemies: 360XP
  • Encounter: 60XP
  • Total: 820XP
Thalmun Burrowale 
  • Enemies: 360XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Encounter: 60XP
  • Total: 520XP

Missions/Quests Completed

18th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Back at the time of the raid on Honorow Orphanage, Russell Tideborn overheard the criminals at work and used their presence as an opportunity to break from his binds and to make his escape.   Russell rushes from the orphanage and uses his Magic to propel himself into the sky, manipulating the air to carry him as if he were flying. He ascends high above the city, but as he does so he draws too close to the city's magical defences and is zapped like a bug. By some small act of good fortune he is able to sustain his spell and diverts course, flying instead out over the cliff's of the Verge.   Russell pans around the city and flies over a vast encampment set beneath the cliffs of Istanbrakt, all inhabited by tall humanoids. He flies around the perimeter of the city and descends down into the forest before beginning his journey east.   Meanwhile, following the Mammoth Racing, Thalmun Burrowale was rendered into a brutal unconsciousness and was tended to by the Stadion Milena's healers.   Thereafter, Thalmun would be brought back to Honorow Orphanage, taken to his room and after an uncomfortable but restful night, Thalmun would wake up the next day refreshed and ready for the day.   19th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Over the course of the morning, the group make their way to breakfast. Audrey Wepple has been earning the love and appreciation of the children for her kind nature and flair for baking, and is busying herself handing fruit rolls out amongst the children. Orville meanwhile has been placed in a chair at the children's table, with a platter of food should he wake up.   Only The Wretch is absent. The Wretch wakes up surrounded by puddles of slime and asleep on the piano stool stooped over the instrument. A boy has been working at cleaning the hall but has avoided The Wretch entirely. He climbs from his place of rest and takes the opportunity of the orphanage occupants being absent to investigate the scene of the robbery. He follows the signs of a skirmish and breaks into the office of Dobrogost Rostow. Here The Wretch finds his chest broken open, but also notes that the robbers seemed to know clearly what they were looking for and where to find it.   With this done, The Wretch follows the lead of Rosa's smeared bruise and decides to investigate by sneaking upstairs to break into her room. He finds the room full of conventional weapons (knives in particular) and emptied bottles. He notes a case as well but does not open it.   Whilst The Wretch goes through his inquisition, the rest of the party discuss what to do about the Blight. Rosa and Dobrogost are insistent that their leader Kjartan should be killed. The rest of the party are reluctant to agree and argue that it will only create a power vacuum that will lead to more violence and hardship for the people in the Verge, but both Dobrogost and Rosa are insistent that their approach is the best measure to prevent conflict, certain that to cut the head off the snake will only lead to a preferential outcome.   The group come to grow suspicious of Rosa and Dobrogost's true intentions, and wonder if whether their true purpose is to have Rosa take control of the Blight herself. Both deny the allegation but this debate is interrupted when suddenly Orville Wepple wakes up from his coma.   Audrey Wepple is elated to have her son back, and his return quickly devolves into bickering and a food fight with Tedduch Stoutman.   When the chaos has subsided, Rosa claims that whatever their concerns regarding killing Kjartan, she assures that they have a plan that goes beyond his death. With this and the fact that they claim that vengeance is a factor of their motivations, they reluctantly agree to help.   With this settled, the question arises as to how they might find Kjartan. One suggestion is to seek out the aide of a Wizard to scry for his location, the other is to seek out those with experience of the Blight, and finally it is considered to track down Kjartan's accountant Kinnoch.   When all is agreed to and they agree to track down Kinnoch first, the group move to depart from Honorow Orphanage. On their way out of the door, The Wretch speaks with Awenir and asks him if Rosa can be trusted. He tells that Rosa has always been his closest friend and companion since childhood and that he trusts her completely. Still uncertain as to what to think, he joins the group and they take off.   They make their way through the Verge and together reach a small neighbourhood within the Verge known as the Sink. The Sink is a neighbourhood of ramshackle structures built between two hills where water drains down into the middle of the neighbourhood through trenches beneath its walkways before draining out in a makeshift waterfall over the cliffs.   Thanks to Rosa, the group know Kinnoch to be a drug addict who frequents the Climber's Rest, a rickety bar at the heart of the neighbourhood. The group enter the Sink and devise a plan with the party dividing into pairs and surrounding the Climber's Rest whilst Orville Wepple is sent inside to flush out the accountant.   Orville makes his way to the bar, and after bribing the bartender is pointed to Kinnoch. Kinnoch is reluctant to go along with Orville's request for him to come with him, but agrees on the condition of a game of dice. If Orville should win, Kinnoch would accompany him, but if Kinnoch should win, he would be left alone and Orville would reveal the purpose of his interest in him.   The two play at a game of dice where Orville is able to win three sets to two and so wins the game. Kinnoch agrees to go outside with him but in the moment that they are to depart he stuns Orville and leaps out of a broken wall on the far side of the bar.   Kinnoch rolls down a web of netting and crashes at the feet of Teddy and Rosa. He clambers to his feet and attempts a sprint to freedom, only to have projectiles lobbed after him which knock him out and slam him to the ground.   When he is provided healing Magic and awoken, Kinnoch finds himself restrained by both Zi and The Wretch, and when his body is searched by Orville, the Gnome is enraged to find that Kinnoch stole his purse.   The group interrogate Kinnoch and he is reluctant to give information for fear of Kjartan, but is eventually swayed to think that the party is even more of a danger to him. He reveals that Kjartan has been using a derelict military armament factory as his base of operations. He offers to tell the group where to go but they insist that he show them himself.   Kinnoch reluctantly agrees, though he makes multiple attempts to wriggle free, and with no choice they begin the journey to find Kjartan.