Campaign 2: Session 40 - The Flight of the Flaming Horses

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Damage: 206XP
  • Encounters: 220XP
  • Enemies: 1720XP
  • Kills: 635XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Total: 2881XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Encounters: 220XP
  • Enemies: 1720XP
  • MVP: 350XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Total:2390XP
  • Damage: 93XP
  • Encounters: 220XP
  • Enemies: 1720XP
  • Kills: 45XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Total: 2298XP
Orville Wepple
  • Encounters: 375XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 565XP

Missions/Quests Completed

19th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   After a series of ignorant and pompous comments from The Pompous Goblin, Zi lifts him and soars through the skies over the Verge before diving down towards the factory grounds. They successfully drop the Pompous Goblin down onto the roof of the stables, but at such a distance and with such distain that instead of landing safely where they had intended, the Goblin loudly smashes through the straw of the stable roof, drawing the attention of the mobsters guarding the factory's northern side.   Not waiting to see the outcome of the Goblin's scheme, Zi flies out of the sight of the mobsters and circles over the southern side of the factory. They watch as they see Rosa Rostow, Tedduch Stoutman, Thalmun Burrowale and The Wretch dispatch a Stone Golem and a group of mobster thugs, fast enough to storm through their ranks, but not fast enough to prevent the remaining mobsters sealing themselves in the factory with a portcullis.   The Wretch makes their way to the portcullis and is able to shield themselves from the projectiles of crossbowmen in the factory rafters. Whilst Teddy throws projectiles through the gaps of the portcullis and wounds crossbowmen all across the rafters. He is able to use a Mage's Hand to pull the lever down atop the rafters and to begin the slow grinding opening of the portcullis.   Before their companions can do the same, Zi descends from above and with impressive form arcs down and under the climbing portcullis. They are instantly peppered with bolts as one particularly effective mobster lands a number of accurate shots before drawing down the lever and beginning to close the portcullis yet again.   Thalmun is able to slip beneath the portcullis before it closes yet again, but rather than rush to the aide of his companions, he is distracted by the impressive furnace at the centre of the factory floor. He makes his way over to it and ignores the ongoing fire-fight in favour of studying and manipulating the machinery's various vales and pipes.   Zi meanwhile, whilst Teddy provides protective cover fire, launches themselves by their wings up onto the rafters where they slice through first the mobster's arm, taking it off at the elbow and causing it to lose its grip on the lever, then they take the mobster's head off at the shoulders. With their death, they once again pull the lever to let Teddy, Rosa, and the Wretch enter the factory.   The Wretch enters and immediately rushes to engage with the hulking Stone Golem that bounds towards the party across the factory floor. Teddy reinforces their efforts from a distance and Rosa hastily climbs up the ladder to reach the rafters.   Meanwhile, Thalmun continues tinkering with the machinery, and unwittingly triggers a steam exhaust which sprays down on the Wretch. He is able to avoid it, but it does inspire Thalmun to understand the intricacies of where the steam exhausts are and how they can be triggered.   Elsewhere in the Verge, Orville Wepple dwells helplessly in the mind of Russell Tideborn, and watches his journey across the roads of Upper Mastoria as he begins his journey to the East. Eventually, Russell collapses and Orville takes back control, finding himself hanging uselessly from the back of his own mother like a backpack as he is hauled back through the city towards Honorow Orphanage.   Once Orville announces his consciousness, his mother lets him down and the two catch up on all that has been taking place. They agree to return to the factory in order to help the rest of the party and begin the journey across the city.   They arrive and reach the northern gate of the factory grounds and there discover a scene of abject chaos. The Giant Ataksak bounds all around the grounds tearing through terrified mobsters whilst the Pompous Goblin sits comfortably on the Giant's shoulder launching bombs down onto their enemy's heads. Elsewhere the stables of the factory grounds is now fully engulfed in flame, and the frantic horses that once dwelled within run frantically across the grounds, spreading chaos through the flimsy defences of the still living mobsters.   The three horses are eventually able to break through the northern gate and run in a panic straight through the streets of the Verge, forcing civilians to dive in all different directions and kicking through those too slow to get out of the way. Orville and Audrey both plot to pursue and calm the horses down, with Orville devising the plan to pursue them down the hill on the back of a nearby wagon.   The two take the wagon and draw close enough to calm down two of the horses and ride them to safety whilst one barrels deeper into the depths of the city slums.   Back in the factory, Zi continues to engage with mobsters, backing up Rosa's rampage whilst Teddy and the Wretch are able to take down the Stone Golem below, devastating it at its joints before Teddy turns to follow Rosa.   Thalmun, finally able to understand the nuances of the factory floor's machinery is able to levy a blast of steam which boils the skin of multiple mobsters, distracting and weakening them before Rosa is able to cut them down.   As Rosa makes their way across the rafters and Teddy's projectiles support their progress, Kjartan triggers a leak of poisonous gas which begins to flood the ground level of the factory floor. He flees, leaving Rosa, Teddy and Zi to cut down the last of the mobsters in order to save himself.   Seeing Kjartan trying to make his escape, Rosa and Teddy pursue him from the room through a door at the end of the rafters, and the Wretch and Thalmun work on a way to escape from the spreading and toxic gas.