The Last Storme: Session 2 - The Spider and the Wolf

Missions/Quests Completed

20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The Lower-South Wing descended into chaos when the lifeless body of Reko was discovered hanging within his cell. The guards responded with force, roughly corralling the patients back into their cells, including Dolores Simm and Ajax Wursor. Amidst the commotion, Russell Tideborn arrived at the scene, catching a brief glimpse of the deceased before the guards ordered the body's removal. However, Russell refused to touch or remove the body, and instead urged the guard and another orderly to transport it to the Infirmary (much to their chagrin).   Outside, Lokanth Wursor, unaware of the unfolding events, employed a leaf that he had earlier planted on Ajax Wursor during their violent altercation in the mess hall. Utilising his magical abilities, he traced Ajax's location and transformed himself into a spider, sneaking into his brother's cell through the window. Lokanth found Ajax in a state of nervous agitation, pacing and muttering to himself. As Lokanth traversed the wall, Ajax's agitation escalated into violent outbursts, with furniture hurled about the room. Lokanth managed to stay hidden, carefully observing for signs of guards or orderlies.   Russell took advantage of the chaos by visiting first Reko's cell, and then Ajax's cell, using his manipulative skills to provoke and probe Ajax's mind. Caught in a moment of madness, Ajax lashed out, grabbing Russell through the cell bars. In his attempts to free himself, Russell inadvertently directed his magic at Lokanth, causing him to revert to his Half-Giant form. The sudden burst of violence further triggered Ajax, pushing him towards a Lycanthropic transformation. With fangs bared, he menaced Russell until Lokanth intervened, grappling with his brother from behind in an attempt to separate them.   Meanwhile, Sister Prudence entered the scene, tending to the Lower-South Wing patients, soothing their anxieties. Remarkably, most of the patients seemed unfazed by the murder, having grown accustomed to the daily horrors of the asylum. One woman with tribal tattoos similar to Reko's inquired about his fate and any details about the incident. However, the conversation was interrupted as she caught wind of the confrontation between Russell, Ajax, and Lokanth. Swiftly, Sister Prudence blinded the trio using magic.   Exploiting Lokanth's unexpected presence, Russell whispered into the Lycan's mind, sowing distrust between the brothers. This tactic pushed Ajax to attack Lokanth, while Russell turned invisible and escaped. Guards arrived to intervene, separating the warring siblings and rendering them unconscious.   Sister Prudence rapidly tended to Lokanth's wounds using magic before being forcibly removed by the guards. Russell seized the moment to converse with her, enlisting her aid in his investigation. Following a blood trail, they stumbled upon a washroom, where they found a symbol resembling two mirrored crescents and a flat line was carved into the wall. Sister Prudence recognized it as a symbol of the Zmumadian tribes.   Taking note of the tattooed woman who shared similarities with Reko, they interrogated her, discovering her affiliation with the Marnolian tribe. She revealed the hatred native tribes faced within the institute and their belief that others desired their demise. Similar sentiments were voiced by the neighboring inmate, who disclosed the symbol's meaning – a representation of "graves" or funeral rites.   In a separate location, the guards subjected the Wursor brothers to harsh treatment. Despite their attempts at healing and escape, Lokanth and Ajax were eventually overpowered and rendered unconscious once more.   Having completed their inquiries, Russell Tideborn and Sister Prudence united their efforts under the moniker "Ebony Ops." They ventured out to locate the Wursor brothers, suspecting they were in the Infirmary. During their journey, they encountered patients from the Upper-North Wing, one of whom bore a resemblance to Reko, and responded cryptically. Russell's attempts to manipulate his mind were thwarted by the patient's resistance.   Ajax Wursor regained consciousness in the same room where he had been subjected to torture and transformation. He found himself chained and confronted by Doctor Wiliam Wosow, who taunted him with his helplessness and isolation.   Meanwhile, Lokanth Wursor awoke in a windowless, well-lit office, shackled to a chair. Before him sat Doctor Walmdas Kluw, the institute's head psychiatrist.   Upon reaching the Infirmary, Russell and Sister Prudence were met with a gruesome scene. Instead of the Wursor brothers, they discovered a guard's lifeless body, his neck slashed. Six inmates lay dead in their beds, bearing similar neck wounds.
Report Date
06 Apr 2023
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