The Last Storme: Session 3 - The Captain of the Guards

Missions/Quests Completed

20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Russell Tideborn and Sister Prudence rushed into the infirmary, only to be confronted by the grim sight of seven lifeless bodies scattered throughout the room. Amid the gruesome scene, a dead guard lay sprawled on his back, appearing to have turned in an attempt to face his assailant before tripping over a table and collapsing. Russell made an effort to use his magic to revive the guard, but his attempts were in vain, as the guard was already beyond help. The remaining victims were six inmates, each found in their beds without any signs of resistance, all having fallen victim to a small blade to the neck. While Sister Prudence examined the bodies, Russell took a moment to indulge in reading his newspaper (which he deemed stickily bookmarked on page three), adhering to his mandated break time. During her investigation, Sister Prudence observed that three of the inmates bore a symbol carved into their arms – a circle bisected by a figure of eight. Another patient's arm displayed an incomplete attempt at the same marking, as the assailant appeared to have abandoned the act midway. "The Victim" and "the Holy Warrior" were among those identified.   Proceeding to explore the adjoining door, Sister Prudence encountered a dimly lit hallway. A figure emerged from the shadows, revealed to be one of the orderlies. The orderly inquired about the situation, and Sister Prudence explained her intention to pray for the injured. As he moved past her, the gruesome sight of the murdered patients came into view. The orderly, taken aback, hastened to summon Captain Myron and a squad of guards to the scene. Doctor Ada Arztin also entered the room around this time.   The guards initiated an investigation into the bodies and began questioning the witnesses. Doctor Ada clarified that she had been performing her duties and had arrived to interact with those involved in the morning's violent incidents, only to find them deceased in their beds. Since she was the last to arrive, it was agreed that she was not a suspect. Russell and Sister Prudence were next to be questioned, with Russell nonchalantly maintaining his union-mandated break and Sister Prudence explaining that they had arrived after the murders had taken place. She also revealed her hesitation to share her suspicions with the orderly due to his potential involvement. Despite Captain Myron's doubts about Russell, he acknowledged Sister Prudence's likely innocence. Regardless, the two witnesses were deemed potential suspects, and Captain Myron ordered them placed in isolation cells pending further investigation.   Russell was confined in a maximum-security cell adjacent to an elderly tribal figure he had previously encountered. Their humorous exchange highlighted the unlikely nature of their reunion in this context, however Russell shows the man very little interest. Sister Prudence occupied a cell beside Sir Bellinor, a once-zealous foreign knight who had devolved into madness and murderous acts. While Sister Prudence attempted to glean information from him, he cryptically warned her of impending violence and the potential conversion of others to his violent beliefs.   Subsequently, the guards and Doctor Ada Arztin interviewed Russell Tideborn. He expressed his anger at his confinement and made veiled threats about potential consequences. Doctor Ada confronted him about his apparent indifference to the deaths in the infirmary, which Russell attributed to desensitization due to his prolonged stay at the institute. Captain Myron perceived Russell's potential danger as a magic user in maximum security, leading him to instruct his guards to transport Russell to the Wild Magic Cells for containment and sedation.   Captain Myron turned to Sister Prudence next. While she held no suspicions of Russell's guilt, she voiced doubts about his trustworthiness. Her input influenced Captain Myron's decision to prolong Russell's containment. She shared her insights regarding the tribal symbols with Captain Myron and revealed the corresponding drawing on the washroom wall. Captain Myron recognized the significance of the information and ordered her release.   Sister Prudence recalled Sir Bellinor's words and consulted the elderly tribal inmate about the symbol. He clarified that the symbol signified a plea for help in his native language. Meanwhile, Ajax Wursor found himself confined in a padded room identical to the one where he was subjected to torment and experimentation. Doctor Wiliam Wosow engaged him in conversation, urging him to consider killing a certain person who intended harm. He also promised Ajax a future filled with relief from pain and suffering.   As events unfolded, commotion drew attention outside. The elderly tribal inmate was forcibly removed from his cell, prompting Sister Prudence and Russell Tideborn to investigate. Doctor Ada Arztin joined them as they ascended the bell tower to observe a gallows being prepared in the grounds. Patients were led towards it by the guards, while Doctor Ada confronted Captain Myron. As the chaos escalated, Sister Prudence dashed towards the scene, discovering the lifeless bodies of Minea and Ilmari, both of their heads smashed by maces. Doctor Ada and Captain Myron engaged in a heated exchange regarding the fate of the tribal patients.   As Ajax was escorted across the courtyard, the gallows spectacle diverted the guards' attention. Sister Prudence approached Captain Myron, and Russell Tideborn observed the unfolding scene from the bell-tower. The ominous display continued as two tribal inmates were hanged. As the scene unfolded, Russell spots Ajax Wursor and recognising him for the Lycanthrope that attacked him, he decides to consider him an enemy, and promises eventual retribution.
Report Date
20 Apr 2023
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