Doctor Ada Arztin (dɒktə eɪdæ ɑ:ztɪŋ)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ada Arztin feels a deep desire to help others and to help them find comfort. This desire to do good in the world compels her to go to The Radana Storme Institute and take up a position as a Psychiatrist.   At some point in her internment she met and developed a mutual attraction for her patient Dolores Simm  9th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Walmdas Kluw has been preparing to conduct a series of dangerous experiments, both on patients and on faculty at The Radana Storme Institute. He selects Doctor Ada Arztin to be Subject Two in his research.   10th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   She is exposed to an enchanted mirror which magically manipulates the mind of the Doctor and begins to rewrite her primary motivation.    14th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Ada is consumed by the mirror's influence, and starts a spree of murders by killing a cannibalistic patient interred in the asylum. She begins carving her victims with a marking from the Zmumadian language which represents a cry for help.   17th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   By this point, Doctor Ada Arztin has been successful in murdering six patients. At this point she has a private conversation with her close friend Doctor Jelena and she murders her too.    19th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Ada attends the funeral and mourns the loss of her close friend Doctor Jelena.   20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Ada Arztin is present when a fight breaks out between the inmates in the Penitentiary Mess Hall. She spots a patient named Reko slipping away back into a vacant cell block, and she takes the opportunity to follow him and murder him.    She slips back into the Mess Hall as the fight is concluding and then goes with the injured patients to the Infirmary. Whilst there, she waits for orderlies to leave the room and then proceeds to plant poison in the medicine of the various patients. When they are sedated, she attacks the guard from behind and proceeds to drive a knife into the throat of the various patients.    She returns to her duties as a psychiatrist and arrives later at the scene of the crime when the bodies are discovered by Russell Tideborn and Sister Prudence. She explains what happened to Captain Myron. Later she meets Captain Myron again as he is intent on hanging The Radana Storme Institute's Native Zmumadians. She pleads with him to stop and is eventually able to convince him that he should isolate the patients in a single cell block.   21st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The orderly Doctor Ada sent away from the Infirmary realises that Doctor Ada was responsible for the murders and goes to search her office. He finds various scribbled notes covered in symbols crying for help and she admits everything and explains to him her situation. They agree to go and tell Doctor Walmdas Kluw everything, but as the orderly turns to open the door she attacks him. The two have a brief and vicious fight which ends when she strangles him to death, and silences him by jamming an inkwell down his throat.   She destroys the damning evidence and departs the room, returning shortly thereafter to feign the discovery of yet another of the killer's victims. Shortly after, Russell Tideborn takes responsibility for cleaning her office and he has an altercation with Sister Prudence whom he believes is the killer.   Shortly after all of this, Doctor Ada meets with Doctor Walmdas Kluw and they discuss the behaviour of Captain Myron, they agree that he has become unhinged and Doctor Walmdas instructs her to have him attend a meeting in the storage room tonight. She agrees to do this and they agree never to speak of it ever again.   Doctor Ada lures Captain Myron to the storage room with promises of a meeting with Doctor Walmdas. Instead he arrives to find the Lycanthropic Ajax Wursor. The two have a bloody fight and both do damage to the other before Ajax is able to rip the Captain of the Guard in two. Doctor Ada leaves before she can see this happening.   22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Ada begins feeding Russell Tideborn's suspicions against Sister Prudence and agrees to help him eavesdrop on her conversations with Lokanth Wursor. They hear that Lokanth Wursor intends to meet with Lenni, a patient who might information on the killings. Russell Tideborn intends to hide in the maximum security cell block and listen in on their conversation.   Doctor Ada devises a different plan, she sneaks onto the Maximum Security cell block and murders a guard in the process.   After Russell has arrived for his meeting with Lenni, Doctor Ada arrives as well, Lenni expresses surprise at seeing her but before he can identify her, she casts an explosive burst of magic into his face and kills him instantly.    She flees the cell block and the penitentiary before anyone can catch her and she retreats back to her room in the psychiatric building where she rests for the night.    23rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Doctor Ada finds the psychiatric building flooded with faculty all demanding meetings with Doctor Walmdas Kluw. They insist that their lives are in danger and that they need to be granted the freedom to leave The Radana Storme Institute.   In the confusion, a number of patients storm the building and take up positions protecting the office of Doctor Walmdas and quarantining the upper level of the building. They allow Doctor Ada to pass however, and she in turn allows her patient Dolores Simm to pass.   The two catch up in her office, and eventually Doctor Ada attacks her former lover and murders her by stabbing her to death. Disgusted by her actions, she marches over to the office of Doctor Walmdas Kluw and confronts him for what she believes he has done to her. He admits that it was a cruel but necessary action. She asks if there is a cure and he admits he has not found one, and that there is only one life she could take that would help her now.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The Radana Storme Institute is consumed by chaos and Doctor Ada Arztin attends to the Infirmary, calming the restrained patients injured in the chaos of the last few days. She uses a similar strategy to how she murdered other inmates, poisoning them both.    Doctor Ada does not return to her office, she goes to the office of Doctor Walmdas and there she stumbles upon Doctor Walmdas' research notes. As she reads through them, she uncovers the dark truth of the Doctor's research.   She begins preparing to set fire to Doctor Walmdas' office by drenching it in lamp oil, but is ambushed by Sister Prudence who is hiding in her office. Sister Prudence had discovered Doctor Ada's involvement in the various murders and had arrived to seek justice. Sister Prudence realises that Ada is not in control of her actions. Doctor Ada hands over the research papers, and Sister Prudence deduces that Doctor Ada's mind was altered by a magical mirror. She considers breaking the mirror to free Doctor Ada from the enchantment.   Sister Prudence binds Doctor Ada and takes a knife and poison from her. After the Sister leaves, Doctor Ada breaks free of her bonds and returns to the office of Doctor Walmdas, lighting the oil on fire and watching it burn.   She then rushes to Storme Manor to join Sister Prudence in confronting Doctor Walmdas Kluw. She arrives at the last moment and witnesses as Doctor Walmdas reveals himself to be a Vampire and attempts to feast on Sister Prudence's blood. He succeeds and discovers that she has been drinking poison prior to their encounter. He succumbs to the poison and is reduced to shadow. Sister Prudence likewise succumbs to the poison.   Doctor Ada Arztin finds the enchanted mirror left over by Doctor Walmdas in his haste and she destroys it. In the days to come she feels that she might have been freed of her compulsion to kill, however it is not long before it returns to her and she embarks on a quest across Vilia to find a cure for her affliction, killing many that cross her path on her way.