The Last Storme: Session 7 - A Shadow on the Mind

Missions/Quests Completed

23rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Russell Tideborn awakens in a puddle of sweat beside a particularly satisfied orderly, feeling uncomfortable as he walks through the Mess Hall of the Penitentiary, experiencing the walk of shame. During his journey, he notices Dolores Simm, an inmate who had been present during the skirmish that took place in the Mess Hall a few days ago. As he collects his cleaning supplies and begins his day, he starts devising schemes in his mind.   Meanwhile, Doctor Ada attends breakfast and is approached by Dolores Simm, who inquires about their scheduled session. The Doctor confirms their appointment and returns to the Medical building, only to find it flooded with guards and orderlies, each demanding to see Doctor Walmdas Kluw. Doctor Zdrawko suggests that Doctor Ada should escape from the Institute while she still can, but she adamantly refuses to abandon her patients.   Eventually, Russell makes his way to Lokanth Wursor's cabin and fills him in on the events of the previous night. Russell suggests that they escape together, but Lokanth reveals that he needs to rescue his brother first. Lokanth discloses his plan to steal documents from the Medical building, while Russell intends to gather a group of allies to aid in his escape.   A group of pale and weak inmates overwhelms the Medical building, taking control and preventing the staff from accessing the upper levels. They capture Sister Prudence and take her to the office of Doctor Walmdas Kluw. The Doctor apologizes to her for her impending fate and assures her that he never intended to involve her in his research. She tries to cast a truth-compelling spell on him, but fails. However, he consents to answering her questions.   Under questioning, he explains that Radana Storme once founded The Radana Storme Institute with the belief that the mind could be altered and shaped to cure afflictions. Doctor Walmdas started his research based on the hypothesis that if the mind can be cured through psychological, magical, and chemical manipulation, it can also be altered in other ways. He arrived at The Radana Storme Institute with Doctor Wiliam Wosow and Doctor Redna Hennigar, each offering a different method of mind alteration—Doctor Hennigar using chemistry, Doctor Wosow using psychology, and Doctor Walmdas using magic.   Doctor Walmdas reveals that there have been three subjects in his research. Subject One was a result of his and Doctor Wosow's joint research, involving the implantation of Lycanthropic traits and manipulation of the mind with psychology to create the perfect soldier. Subject Two was subjected to an enchanted mirror that warped their mind, altering their motivations and driving them toward murder. He admits that this power exists in others, not just himself, and believes it is crucial to understand and one day reverse this power. However, he confesses that he has yet to discover how to achieve that and fears that with the impending downfall of The Radana Storme Institute, he will never have the opportunity. He hints at the existence of a Subject Three, as a single test subject cannot determine the success of an experiment. Sister Prudence asks him about these subjects, but he claims doctor-patient confidentiality and refuses to reveal their identities. After bidding her a final farewell, he drugs Sister Prudence and returns her to her cell.   Russell returns to the Penitentiary and visits Dolores Simm's cell, attempting to persuade her to join him in his plan. However, having witnessed his recent activities, she mistrusts him and refuses. To Russell's shock, Dolores excuses herself, opens her cell door without a key, and leaves the cell block. A guard passes by her and casually wishes her a good morning, making no effort to stop her.   Dolores makes her way across the courtyard and enters the Medical building. The inmates allow her to pass, and she heads to Doctor Ada Arztin's office. They discuss everything that has transpired, and both admit their deep care for each other. However, while Dolores is momentarily distracted, Doctor Ada attacks her. They engage in a brief fight, during which Doctor Ada repeatedly apologizes for her actions, crying that she cannot stop. Dolores tries to defend herself, but Doctor Ada cuts her throat, causing her to bleed out on the floor of the office. The Doctor then leaves the room.   Doctor Ada proceeds to Doctor Walmdas Kluw's office and finds him packing his belongings to leave. She asks him what she should do next, and he explains that she already knows what she needs to do. He regrets that he cannot change her mind or reverse what has been done to her. He suggests that there is only one person she should kill to finally end her torment, and she agrees that they deserve their fate.   Elsewhere in The Radana Storme Institute, Russell Tideborn attempts to commune with his God to seek guidance on whether he should leave or stay. He sees visions of the valley where he was born, the cave at the center of his village, and within that cave, the visage of Chernikin with his crimson eyes. Seeing this image, Russell understands that he still has unfinished work to do."
Report Date
13 Jun 2023
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