The Great Vale Geographic Location in The Continent of Wordal | World Anvil
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The Great Vale

The Great Vale is a strategic valley dotted with castles and fortresses. Various dukes, margraves and other lords claim ownership of the valley. A decade ago Duke Reginald V of Granvalle started the War of the Vale, a war that would last nearly ten years and devastated the Vale and all the kingdoms involved in the war.   The Great Vale first became a strategically important region when it was conquered by the Burbric Empire. The Valley was the gateway to the clans east of the Domart and Gynardan Mountains, and Derbot Castle was established as a stronghold to hold off the eastern clans. The lords of these lands were given honorary titles and privileges to recognise their importance. Even after the eastern clans were subjugated these land remained heavily fortified and the lords kept their recognition and remained highly esteemed vassals of the Emperor.   During the Sixty Year Rebellion the Guardian of the Vale established its own kingdom, between the kingdoms of Rasfadal in the east and the remnants of the Burbric Empire in the west. For centuries this kingdom remained strong, and it even prevented Fendalian expansion when the Burbric Empire was at its weakest. However, the fall of the Burbric dynasty also illegitimized the rulers of the Great Vale, which led to its downfall several decades later. Slowly but surely Rasfadal and Burbry started fighting over this strategic region, until it was eventually split in two: the Fendalian and The Burbric Great Vale.   Duke Reginald was a descendent of the old Kings of the Vale, and pressed his claim on The Fendalian Great Vale in 1243 AP. This led to a decade long war that involved Burbry, Rasfadal and several surrounding kingdoms. It was a bloody war which was devastated not only the Great Vale, but much of the lands of Rasfadal and Burbry. Eventually the war ended in a stalemate with the Treaty of Derwon, and the old borders were restored.   Rasfadal and Burbry were both left extremely weakened and vulnerable after the war, and tensions haven't been eased. Margrave Anwil of the Fendalian Great Vale has established the Margrave's Law, a set of strict rules aimed at restoring his demesne as swiftly as possible. He also organised the Valley Guard, a militia force tasked with making sure his laws are followed throughout his lands. Meanwhile Duke Reginald V is looking to other benefactors in the Burbric Empire to support his claim, hoping to be able to strike again before Anwil is able to regain his strength.   It is simply a matter of time before a new war breaks out.
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