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Clandestine Growth Directive

  The Clandestine Growth Directive was the first Ionean decree of directive status implemented by Haeferic Voss, the first Alarch, in 440. The directive prevented the founding of new settlements and forced the Ionean population to stay in existing settlements along Sanctum Forest and the Jhio River in order to avoid detection by larger more powerful groups that were dominating Irios during the Time of Trials.


The Clandestine Growth Directive was written in response to the raiding of Vane in line with the warnings previously provided by Cionecic and prevented Ioneans from founding any new settlements after its ratification. This was to provide Ione time to grow its population and assets while hiding from the larger more aggressive groups that surrounded them.

Document Structure

Publication Status

All directives issued by an Alarch are publically accessible with copies being distributed to all major settlments while the original document resides in one of the libraries of the Grand Cathedral

Legal status

The directive holds the highest precedent among the various types of Ionean decrees. This precendent was formed by this document.

Historical Details


During his vision with Cionecic, Haeferic Voss was told that the then Fortenes needed to stay out of sight of the other Patron Deities waging war, though without the centralized authority that cam under the formation of Ione not yet fully permeating the population of The Fortenes, the settlement of Ravenstadt was founded despite thie warning. When Vane was raided in 439, news of the attack spread quickly and would cause Voss to use the full extent of his authority for the first time through the creation of the Clandestine Growth Directive.


The Clandestine Growth Directive was the first decree of "directive status" written and implemented by an Alarch and laid the foundation for all future directives, including the structure, reach, and absolution that these types of documents would hold. This document set in place the ultimate authority of the Alarch, and the Alarch role as the mortal representative of the will of Cionecic and directives were seen as the direct will of Cionecic.

Public Reaction

Rattled by the destruction of Vane, one of the group's oldest settlements, the Ionean population receivied the directive well and with understanding. While some voices called for revenge they were quickly counter by the fact that retaliation would likely lead to even further aggression that the newly founded Ione would not be able to handle.


The Clandestine Growth Directive can be seen as one of the primary reasons Ione was able to continue its existence throughout the earliest phases of the Time of Trials. by limiting settlement growth Ione was able to keep it's population and infrastructure out of sight of potential conquerers who were significantly larger and more powerful allowing it to develop to a point that Ione was able to raise and army to adequately defend itself. It did leave the area that Ione considered to be holy open to invaders, though they were still pushed off of the land when the did arrive.   The effects of the directive were felt again when it was lifted in 880 as large portions of some of the largest settlements left to form new ones in quick succession. Some settlements, such as Fortuna felt this shift more significantly than others, and some settlements like Anderselt never again experienced population growth at the levels they had during the directive.


The Clandestine Growth Directive remained in effect for 440 years until it was lifted by Alarch Lindhardt Bregate in 880.
Decree, Religious
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Expiration Date
Signatories (Organizations)

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