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The Capital of Ione

Ione is a crown which Fortuna sits atop as its most precious and opulent gemstone.
— Ionean Bard
  Fortuna is the capital of Ione. It is located at the centre of Ione proper and is the largest and oldest city in the nation, originally being founded by The Fortenes who were named after this settlement. Fortuna is home to the Grand Cathedral, a large and grandiose building that is the seat of the Alarch who rules Ione and the Order of Fortunism. The Trials of the Fortunate also begin in Fortuna and have the yearly initiates live within the Grand Cathedral until the time to embark on the trial arrives.   Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Fortuna has a recorded population of 10,100 individuals making it the largest city in Ione by a significant margin. Only the human population of the city is recorded so it is likely that the population is higher than reported, especially considering the level of development and area the city covers attracting individuals of other species who may reside there for extended periods of time.


Fortuna is the seat of the theocratic governed that rules all settlements within Ione. The municipal responsibilities are given to an Eparch while the provincial responsibilities are given to an Exarch both of whom are appointed through Cionecic 's Divine Selection. The Eparch reports to the provincial representative, the Exarch, who resides in Absolus as it is the provincial capital of Ghia, who then reports to the Alarch residing in Fortuna.   Despite the creation of multiple districts within Fortuna they fall under the control of the Eparch of Fortuna, though influencial individuals may call for a meeting with the Eparch to discuss concerns or future plans of different parts of the city.


Fortuna is the only city in Ione large enough to warrant the creation of districts, though compared to other cities they are quite small. They provide some separation of the roles of individuals that reside and work in the districts allowing for improved efficiency as each district is fairly clear on what their focus is. Housing for the population of Fortuna is scattered among the different districts with little to no differences in the social and economic outcomes.

Temple District

The Temple District resides at the heart of Fortuna and holds majority of the buildings related to the theocratic government controlled by the Order of Fortunism. It holds the Grand Cathedral, a sprawling complex with a colossal construction at its centre, that acts as the home and workplace of the Alarch and the training grounds for the Initiates before they attempt the Trials of the Fortunate.   The temple district also contains a huge number a marble statues, many of which depict events that have taken place throughout the course of Ione's long and storied history.   Being at the centre of the city it also serves as a central hub to the other districts of Ione.

Venerable District

The Venerable District lies in the northern section of the city and contains many of the oldest structures in the nation harkening back to the precusors of Ione, The Fortenes. The old city centre resides in the Venerable District and still carries the route of the Absolian Parade that transports the Initiates to Absolus and subsequently Sanctum Forest to begin their trials.   Because of the age of the district many shops here sell ancient tools or books, some genuine and others recreations. Some of the original stone buildings have been preserved by the ruling Eparchs and are no longer used for their original purposes but rather as monuments or museum like pieces to show the history of Ione.

Manufacturing District

The Manufactoring district is east of the central Tempest District and borders Meidem. It contains much of the metal and leatherworking areas used to produce tools and more commonly, weaponry. Many of the smiths, armourers, leatherworkers, and weavers produce items at the request of the military in Principa, though many also take requests from individuals.   Shops of various levels of mastery are dotted around the district and most forms of common tools can be purchased outright. Some exotic weapon and tool designs have also made their way into the manufacturing district through traders in Ornamen though they will always cost a premium.

Artisan District

The artisan district is set south of the central Temple District bordering Wol and holds the nations best and brightest artists, sculpters, musicians, dyers, and some alchemists and merchants. As a result much of the well known Ionean artwork such as their marble sculptures and alchemical stained glass artwork is produced in this district.   Outside of Ornamen, this district is another popular destination for rich vistors and traders who often frequent this district to place requests for certain artwork or stained glass that is difficult to produce and cannot be found elsewhere.


Fortuna was the first settlement founded by The Fortenes after their departure from Sanctum Forest in 251, making it the oldest settlement in Ione and one of the oldest in Fanvinir. The growth of The Fortenes was limited out of fear of war with neighboring groups during the time of trials and as a result Fortuna and a number of early founded settlments experience reasonable growth as individuals were afraid to leave.   In 373 the leader of the Fortuna settlement of The Fortenes, Haeferic Voss was given a vision by Cionecic that prompted the formation of Ione, a centralized theocratic government that would be controlled by an Alarch ruling out of Fortuna instead of the more settlement independent route that The Fortenes were headed down.   In an attempt to control their full extent of their holy land, Ioneans attempt to expand southwards, despite Cionecic's warnings, founding Ravenstadt in 392 but after Vane, an early Fortene settlement was raided, the Clandestine Growth Directive was implemented limiting the founding of any new settlements. Ione decided to raze Ravenstadt and the populations of both Vane and Ravenstadt were almost entirely moved to Fortuna.   When the [Holy Sentinels Directive] was implemented in 449, most of those proficient with magic were also moved into Fortuna. They were given special residencies in what would eventually become the Temple District so that they would be undisturbed while scouting the Ionean holy land with the use of Arcane Eyes. They would eventually detect the dissolution of the Eastward Warring Front, as many of the splinter groups returned westward looking for land.   The dissolution of the Eastward Warring Front sparked concern that some of these weakened but still powerful groups may attempt to conquer Ione as they were looking for land to claim as their own. This resulted in the creation of the Military District which would be used to train and equip soldier to defend their land should any interlopers arrive. Much later, after the founding of Principa in 882, the Military District would become the Manufacturing District as soldiers were moved to Principa and buildings and land were claimed by those making tools.   After the War with the Union Under Ashenkarle concluded in 536 the idle Ionean soldiers to begin work on the Grand Cathedral under the direction of Alarch Edwen Dinwych. The first iteration of the Cathedral was simplistic in its design and fairly small compared to current day but at the time it was one of the most complex structures in the region at the time. Shortly after the completion of the Cathedral, the rest of Fortuna began to overhaul the wooden structures into stone and many additional building were constructed in the South, slowly shifting the the Cathedral into the centre of the city, though a very large amount of land was preserved around the Cathedral for its expansion. The Holy Sentinels were moved into a private quarters within one of its towers.   Fortuna experienced a slowly growth up until the lifting of the Clandestine Growth Directive which saw a large portion of it's population leave to build up the new settlements being founded. Fortuna experienced a sizeable population drain, enough to minimally impact the day-to-day opertions though still retaining the largest population in Ione, growth was able to continue.   With the discovery of marble in Arnsrath and the archectural stylings pioneered by Principa and Ornamen Fortuna was overhauled completely with magnificent gothic architecture throughout most districts, though Temple District was almost completely rebuilt. The original Grand Cathedral became a small wing of the even larger and more grandiose construction that came from the marble essentially propelling it into a man-made wonder of the world. Many governmental and religious functions became even more centralized and the training for the Trials of the Fortunate became a nine month stay within the cathedral grounds instead of just within the Temple District.

Points of interest


Being the oldest city in Ione, Fortuna has undergone a number of different architectural styles, many of which have been mirrored by older settlements that were also founded before the activation of the Clandestine Growth Directive. Originally constructed out of wood during its initial creation Fortuna expanded rather quickly as the population grew, but would experience significant drop offs during the founding of the other northern settlements early in the Time of Trials.   The first fully stone building in Ione would be the Grand Cathedral in 569. Though it was much, much smaller than how it looks today it was still the largest building in Ione at the time. The rest of Fortuna would eventually follow though it was rather slow as other construction projects took priority such as the [Kronbrick Road] and the [Absolian Border Wall] reconstruction. When it did finally have stone buildings they were simple and functional, as much of the gothic architectural design would not occur until the foundings of Principa and Ornamen many, many years later.   Slowly gothic features began to appear in the newer buildings of Fotuna, though once marble discovered Arnsrath much of the city was overhauled with pointed arches, rib vaults, and detailed columns, tall spires and flying buttresses. The additions to the Grand Cathedral which grew the building even larger were the most noticeable in these additions. The rest of the temple district also saw the inclusion of most of these features during it's overhaul. The other districts were overhauded in a simpler design.

Provinces Ghia Meidem Wol
Cities Fortuna

Founding Date
Large city
Humans: 10,100
Inhabitant Demonym
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