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Mortal Leader of Ione & Fortunism

  The title of Alarch is granted to the mortal leader of Fortunism and by extension the nation of Ione, as the two are directly linked under the governance granted by the goddess Cionecic. The appointment originated from a vision granted to one of the leaders of The Fortenes, Haeferic Voss, who became the first official Alarch in 373 and officially founded Ione two years later.   The Alarch rules out of Ione's capital Fortuna.   As of the current year there have been 32 individuals that have been appointed to the rank of Alarch since the position was created.


All holders of Ionean government positions or roles within the Order of Fortunism are required to pass the Trials of the Fortunate before assuming any official positions.


An Alarch must possess a Mark of Fortune to hold any level of office within the Ionean government as the Mark of Fortune is required to take place in the Trials of the Fortunate.


Once the baseline rank of Acolyte is attained from successfully passing the Trials, ascending up the ranks can only be done through Cionecic's Divine Selection. As a result the age and background when taking the role of Alarch varies wildly.


The Alarch is responsible for interpretting the will of Cionecic, for the health and wellbeing of the people of Ione, protecting the sanctity of the Sanctum Forest, and ensuring that Ione stays independent from the aggressive nations that inhabit the surrounding regions.


Each year the Alarch will preside over the opening ceremonies of the Trials of the Fortunate in the Grand Cathedral on the 7th of En every year. This ceremony welcomes the Initiates and explains to them the process that they will undergo in order to become Acolytes. The opening ceremony ends with a general sermon led by the Alarch. Upon the return of the Acolytes who have passed their Trial another celebration is held in Absolus on the 36th of Tehan which the Alarch also attends to congratulate the Acolytes and send blessings for those that did not return.   Over the course of the Alarch's life they are expected to write a biography of sorts, detailing their life, interactions with Cionecic and her pantheon, and a detailed history of Ione during their reign. These works are used to direct and provide reference to future Alarchs and provide insight and reasoning behind certain decisions that is not known by the public.   Responsibilities of provincial management is presented to the Exarch of that respective province. Municipal responsibilities are given to that settlements respective Eparch.


Upon appointment to the rank of Alarch the individual is immediately moved into the Alarch's quarters within the Grand Catherdral where he will spend majority of his time until his death. These quarters are large and comfortable, though not overly opulent and provide the Alarch with tools and resources needed to perform their role.   The Alarch is also given access to a number of restricted areas within the cathedral, most notably a hidden library whose location is only known to the Alarch and his direct aides. Only upon fully being brought into the position is the location of this library disclosed. The library contains a book written by each Alarch since Alarch Ceredig Snyder, with Alarch's before her simply having a collection of notes. These books contain all of the known interactions with Cionecic and a very detailed and accurate history of Ione during the reign of that Alarch, including information not generally known to the Ionean public. Also included in these works are sections dedicated to speculation about the future of Ione.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Alarch cannot be removed from their position once appointed. A new Alarch is only appointed after the previously Alarch has passed away. Alarchs that have passed before natural causes have taken them are thought to have been removed by Cionecic.


The title of Alarch was created after Haeferic Voss, a influencial member of the city state of Fortuna, was given a vision by the god Cionecic. She explained to him that the Sanctum Forest must be protected and that following her instructions would allow the people of survive the God Wars and flourish. With Cionecic's direction Haeferic Voss founded Ione as a nation with the Alarch as the mortal leader of the nation reporting only to Cionecic.

Notable Holders

  • Haeferic Voss, 373-445 (72 years)
  • Hethor Fiske, 445-520 (75 years)
  • Edwen Dinwych, 520-562 (42 years)
  • Ricmaer Guthler, 562-596 (34 years)
  • Ceredig Snyder, 596-664 (68 years)
  • Maethild Salter, 664-699 (35 years)
  • Algar Stanier, 699-766 (67 years)
  • Leofric Tasker, 766-820 (54 years)
  • Cynethryth Parson, 820-857 (37 years)
  • Lindhardt Bregate, 857-902 (45 years)
  • Baldethiva Carver, 902-961 (59 years)
  • Peohthelm Palmer, 961-1023 (62 years)
  • Everard Collier, 1023-1061 (38 years)
  • Guthhere Kinden, 1061-1125 (64 years)
  • Beornthryth Mulliner, 1125-1159 (34 years)
  • Somerhild Spicer, 1159-1200 (41 years)
  • Calemund Tyrer, 1200-1252 (52 years)
  • Teowulf Alhfrith, 1252-1304 (52 years)
  • Baldred Strathtun, 1304-1365 (61 years)
  • Cyneberg Drumwick, 1364-1439 (75 years)
  • Godelina Beaduburg, 1429-1466 (37 years)
  • Cynedeall Strathcarden, 1466-1548 (82 years)
  • Ewald Aldhun, 1548-1579 (31 years)
  • Elfilda Heiu, 1579-1643 (64 years)
  • Eormenread Brunloc, 1643-1701 (58 years)
  • Aebbe Llynworthy, 1701-1766 (65 years)
  • Dryhthelm Stanier, 1766-1803 (37 years)
  • Sigebehrt Fearson, 1803-1852 (49 years)
  • Nordman Milner, 1852-1924 (72 years)
  • Edoma Wilthryth, 1924-2003 (79 years)
  • Amadeus Kothe, 2003-2068 (65 years)
  • Maximillius Gregor, 2068-Present (~58 years)
Religious, Political
Vision from Cionecic, 373
Form of Address
Equates to
National Leader
Source of Authority
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
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