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Patron of Luck, Chance, & Justice

“Luck favours the prepared, for all the luck in the world means nothing if you are not ready to recieved it.”
— Alarch of Ione, Cynedeall Strathcarden
  Cionecic is a Patron Deity birthed during the seeding of the cycle that presides over luck, chance, and justice and is associated with the domains of ambition and trickery. She is the leader of the Dark Horse Pantheon, whose other members are fairly unknown outside of a select few high ranking individuals within Ione. She exists primarily within Sanctum Forest and has influence over a small area just south of the forest, notably defined by where Marks of Fortune are known to appear.   Her only known followers are Fortunists most of whom are extremely devout with the only sizable congregation existing within the borders of Ione. Her primary point of contact is the Alarch of Ione and Fortunism.   Table of Contents

Table of Contents



The Time of Trials (4-1271)

After Cionecic awoke on the surface in the year 84 of the current cycle, she, as all Patron Deities, felt the innate need to find and consume Divine Spark. Her place of awakening in the plains of Irios put her at odds with many, many other Patron Deities all with the same urges to obtain divine spark. By the time the The God Wars had begun in the year 195 Cionecic had obtained a small following of devout human and elven followers providing a steady stream of divine spark and willing to fight for her in the conquest of adjacent regions and additional divine spark. Cionecic was able to successfully hold her own against many of the other Patron Gods, even bringing two other under her leadership, Klouith & Patrijia, and forming a small pantheon.   When the Eastward Warring Front appeared, led by the largest known pantheon at the time, Cionecic's pantheon and many others of similar sizes were swiftly defeated and the divine cores of many of the early patrons were consumed thus ceasing their existance. Cionecic and her pantheon are throught to have been pushed eastward in retreat until finally succumbing to defeat in Central Irios, likely at modern day Ravenstadt. The site is marked with the Raven's Fel monument.   After her defeat, Cionecic and her pantheon fled into Sanctum Forest to hide from the Patrons of the Eastward Warring Front in an attempt to recover and hopefully survive the remainder of The God Wars. She also took this time to strategize about her potential return as one of the challenger Patrons despite the massive setback of being defeated so early in The God Wars. Knowing that without a steady stream of Divine Spark she would perish, she searched for anyone that could be recruited as a follower to perserve her essence to give her the second chance she desired, however most individuals had already pledged themselves to other Patrons. Despite being extremely weakend herself, Klouith willing gave up her Divine Core for consumption in 244 to allow Cionecic to survive a short while longer in the hopes that she would be able to locate unaffiliated individuals or those with weak ties to their current patron that should could be convinced to join her instead.   In 246 her wish was granted. Nearly devoid of divine spark and holding onto the last threads of life, a small group of humans also sought refuge from the Eastward Warring Fronts in Sanctum Forest. She hid them from prying eyes which sapped a significant amount of her remaining power. Unable to contact them directly due to her weakness, she instead provided them with a divine mark to let them know she was there. These marks became known as Marks of Fortune to the human refugees who then began to direct worship to Cionecic, though indirectly as they did not know what Patron had saved them. Once the Eastward Warring Fronts had moved far enough east, the refugee established the town of Fortuna and became known as The Fortenes.   The Fortenes slowly began to grow their settlements as the population expanded. Ever fearful of the potential that war return to thier small area, their settlements were usually formed near the clearing of the forest of the banks of the Jhio River. In 373 Cionecic had finally accrued enough power to appear to The Fortenes, though not in a complete form. She appeared as a parhelion to the de facto leader of The Fortenes, Haeferic Voss. She explained to Voss that she was the one who had hid them in the forest and was providing the Marks of Fortune to the group, that the other Patrons were still waging war across the continent and in order to survive, his group needed to remain close to the forest to stay out of sight of potential conquerers. She went on to state that she needed them to become more formal and organized in their worship as it would to grow her power. Voss understood the requirements that Cionecic had provided to him and began the formalization of their religion, Fortunism, and founded the nation of Ione from the decentralized settlements of The Fortenes. The off-center parhelion was added to their flag as a representation of what Voss had seen during his conversation with Cionecic.   While Cionecic and Patrijia hid in Sanctum Forest to avoid confrontation the other Patron deities continued their warfare all across the continent. On more than one occasion a losing deity escaped their immediate fate and was taken in by Cionecic and Patrijia slowly building a pantheon of weakened deities looking for respite. Many of these deities became reliant on the divine spark provided by Cionecic to survive and became indebted to her. She asked them to remain hidden away and to share their abilities and skills with her and using the divine spark she collected from the Ioneans instead of attempting to find new followers, most agreed and those that didn't almost always perished. As many of these deities required significant rest to recover and were unable to provide her with their skills immediately, she kept knowledge of them from the Ioneans to ensure that she would remain the leader. As knowledge of the pantheon was almost completely unknown Cionecic decided to name it the Dark Horse pantheon.

The Second Era (1271-2042)

Cionecic and her pantheon experienced the same situation as many of the Gods during the second era. She was forced into a dormant state, and despite having grown significantly in power she was still one of the weaker Patron deities still existing which resulted in her entering her dormancy very early in the cycle compared to many of the other patrons and their pantheons. Her pantheon followed suit.   Unlike some worshipers who followed their patrons out of fear, the Ioneans were extremely loyal to Cionecic and ensured that they kept the same level of worship to her as though she was still awake. Just prior to her dormancy the Alarch at the time, Peohthelm Palmer, instituted the Enduring Faith Directive which sought to preserve the rituals and worship of Fortunism for Cionecic's return, including the Trials of the Fortunate. Additionally, Palmer thought that continuing the rituals and worship despite not receiving and returning communication would still result in Cionecic growing in power. As a result Cionencic and her pantheon grew significantly in power during the second era, something many patrons failed to do.  

The Current Era (2042-Present)

In 2042 many of the Patron deities who had been absent for almost 800 years began to awake, and Cionecic was one of the first to do so. Her first action upon awakening was to contact the current sitting Alarch, Amadeus Kothe to inform him that she has returned and to thank the Ioneans for their continued worship without reward as it had empowered her significantly. She stated that moving forward she was going to be able to keep in more regular communication with her followers as she now had the strength to do so. Alarch Kothe subsequently lifted the Enduring Faith directive as Cionecic may have changes to how her followers worshipped her.   When Maximillius Gregor took the title of Alarch she began to shed some light that other Patron Deities had begun to follow her and what she was able to provide for the Ioneans was going to expand, though she did not share how soon this would occur, only that many additional preparations were required.  


Cionecic's only known group of followers are the Ioneans who follow Fortunism. Despite Cionencic being the Patron God of chance and luck many of the Ioneans who follow her highly value order and preparedness which can be seen somewhat at odds with her domains. However the Ioneans see this as a strength rather than a weakness. Leaning heavily into order reduces the demand of Cionecic allowing her to intervene in Ionean affairs more often and thus works as a compromise between Cionecic and her followers rather than a demand from one to the other.   Her direct communication with her followers is almost exclusively done through the Alarch of Ione, though with the dawn of the modern era Cionecic made note that communications would be preformed more frequently, though the frequency has not changed much. As a result much of the what the Alarch claims is thought to be the will of Cionecic by the average Ionean, specifically the directives set in place by the Alarch which are a form of holy law that can only be instituted and lifted by the presiding Alarch.

Divine Domains

Cionecic is associated with the divine domains of ambition and trickery and is the patron of luck, chance, and justice.


Attuned Scrying Pool - The Attuned Scrying Pool is said to be a pool of Cionecic's tears that is located in the tallest tower of the Grand Cathedral where the Holy Sentinals of Ione reside. It is used by the Holy Sentinels to locate the newly marked initiates the week prior to the celebrations and introduction to their training.

Holy Books & Codes

Deep in the heart of the Grand Cathedral a library containing the books of the Alarchs is hidden, and whose location is only known to the Alarch and his direct aides. Only upon fully being brought into the position is the location of this library disclosed. The library contains a book written by each Alarch since Alarch Ceredig Snyder, with Alarch's before her simply having a collection of notes. These books contain all of the known interactions with Cionecic and a very detailed and accurate history of Ione during the reign of that Alarch, including information not generally known to the Ionean public. Also included in these works are sections dedicated to speculation about the future of Ione. While these are not holy books in the same sense as many of the followers of other pantheons, they are considered holy to the leaders of Fortunism and Ione.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Cionecic is associated primarily with the parhelion as it was what Alarch Haeferic Voss saw during the Ionean's first contact with her. She is also associated with the Blue Blessing mushrooms as they have the same colour of bioluminescence as the Marks of Fortune she provides, and as a result they frequently appear in artwork depicting her. Marks of Fortune can be inlcuded as a divine symbol, though they do not take a single form and vary heavily in location between individuals.

Tenets of Faith


Celebrations of the New Initiates - 7th of En
Absolian Parade - 37th of Nigune
Welcoming of the New Acolytes - 36th of Tehan

Physical Description

Body Features

Cionecic appears to her worshipers as a woman that is 5 feet, 8 inches tall (173 centimeters) and weighing about 120 pounds (54.5 kilograms), which gives her a very slender appearance. Her hair is wavy and coppery red in colour, with the length reaching to just below her shoulders. Her skin is pale with light freckles, most noticably on her face. Her eyes are the most defining feature being an almost iridescent blue colour that glows faintly.

Apparel & Accessories

Her usual apparel is a that of a simple dark teal gown with gold embroidery and a golden circlet that bears the parhelion symbol in the centre of her forehead. She wears no other jewelry. She will often carry a simple, perfectly straight, wooden staff that contains a petrified mycelium that glows a blue colour similar to that of her eyes given to her by Patrijia.   In combat she dons a half plate and leather armour set and favours the rhomphaia, a short polearm style weapon with a curved blade longer than the handle.



Junior Pantheon Partner (Vital)

Towards Cionecic




Senior Pantheon Partner (Vital)

Towards Klouith




  • Cionecic brought Klouith under her Pantheon in 87.
  • They were defeated by the Eastern Warring Front.
  • Klouith sacrificed her divine core to keep Cionecic and Patrijia alive in 244.

Shared Acquaintances



Junior Pantheon Partner (Vital)

Towards Cionecic




Senior Pantheon Partner (Vital)

Towards Patrijia




  • Cionecic brought Klouith under her Pantheon in 87.
  • They were defeated by the Eastern Warring Front.
  • Klouith sacrificed her divine core to keep Patrijia and Cionecic alive in 244.

Shared Acquaintances


Divine Domains:
Divine Classification
Current Status
Gathering Divine Spark
Current Location
Year of Birth
84 TCC 2041 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Seeding of the Cycle
Iridescent, Luminescent Blue
Long, Wavy, Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
120 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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