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Layla of Principa

Initiate of Ione

“I was suprised to see her gain the mark..knowing her the blessing of the goddess is all that kept her alive.”
— Principa townfolk about Layla

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Layla was born in the early days of Twene to two human parents, Hering & Katarina in the town of Principa. Most of her early life was spent helping her parents, both of whom were cobblers who's primary customers were theocrats. She never cared for this life though, and was often wanting for more. This need for more would not serve her well though, and often she would find herself in all manner of trouble.
  When Layla was 14, she began stealing from various establishments in the town. Rarely did she need or even want the things she stole, and often was seeking attention. It didn't take long before she was arrested. Her parents were quick to pay her bail and extra for the constable to remove her name from the ledger. This trend continued for nearly two years before her parents were at wits end. The opted to marry her off to a young man named Wolstand Parson from a family of Solidiers in Fortuna. While upset at the prospect of marriage, Layla was excited to finally see the city of Fortuna.
  Things were calm for a time in Layla's life, and at age 17 she married Wolstand, now known as Acolyte Wolstand Parson. This peace was not to last, for Layla found herself again growing bored. She opted to theft again, this time much with much greater success. She still needed for little, and opted to give what trinkets she stole to the poor and lesser folk of Fortuna. It didn't take long before her actions caught the attention of a local band of thieves known as The Magpies. They commended her for her generosity, and offered her a place among their ranks. She joined without hesitation. For the next two years, Layla would run with this band of ne'er-do-wells causing all manor of mischief.
  A few weeks before the end of the Ionean year the Magpies devised their biggest heist yet, choosing to rob Eaba Aldhere, a recently retired Eparch and now Grand Elder of her ceremonial ring. The heist would require all 5 members of the Magpies to pull off, and they left Layla with doing the breaking and entering. With some help from a local hedge mage, they were able to dispel any wards the Grand Elder had placed. As often in her life though, misfortune was to strike Layla, and just as she had nabbed the ring from the the elder's nightstand the elder awoke. Despite her age, she was quick to place a charm on Layla, freezing her in place. The rest of the Magpies heard this commotion and fled the seen before the authorities arrived. Layla was arrested and immediately placed in the dungeons of the Grand Cathedral.
  For three weeks, Layla was left in a cell. Wolstad was allowed visitation, and came to visit her twice. He was livid, nearly losing his clerk position within the Cathedral for her actions. After the second visitation, he refused to see and speak to her again. On the 3rd of En, Layla was awoken from her pitch black cell by a light blue light. She inspected her right arm, which now glowed with an intricate tattoo that she immediately recognized as a Mark of Fortune. Despite being seen as a great blessing, she didn't feel very fortunate about the situation.

Layla & Wolstad
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125 lbs.
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