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  Fortunism is the national religion of Ione and officially became organized when the nation was founded in 375 under Haeferic Voss after he was granted a vision from Cionecic, the patron deity who resides in Sanctum Forest.   Fortunism is based on "Marks of Fortune", small, blue, bioluminescent symbols that appear on followers within Sanctum Forest and a small area just south of it, all of which are currently controlled by Ione. Individuals that carry these marks are considered to have been selected by Cionecic and are designated Initiates but must first pass the Trials of the Fortunate by spending a month surviving in Sanctum Forest, after which they will be granted the rank of Acolyte and will be able to take official roles within the order and government of Ione.

Divine Origins

Fortunism emerged from a group of refugees, all Humans, that found haven from The God Wars in Sanctum Forest, a small woodland between the Jhio River and the Silent River in Western Irios. During the time spent in the forest some of the humans found that they had developed small bioluminescent marks, which were unique to each person. It was thought that a god that was hiding in Sanctum Forest had blessed the marked individuals and was tasking them with a greater purpose. After emerging from the forest a year later the group founded the settlement of Fortuna where those that were marked were designated as the leaders of the group. A few years later this group officially became known as The Fortenes.
Mark of fortune on the wrist
by SoftPawz
  Shortly after the creation of Fortuna it was decided that individuals that obtain the bioluminescent marks, colloquially called Marks of Fortune were to spend time in Sanctum Forest to spend time closer to their unknown god and form a bond and trust. These excursions into the forest became known as the Trials of the Fortunate.   Settlements following the same belief system spread throughout the area close to Sanctum Forest and within approximately 50 years The Fortenes had discovered the boundaries in which Marks of Fortune would appear on Humans and they began to theorize on how they could gain control of the area during the God Wars. A few more settlements close to the Jhio river and Sanctum Forest were established to ensure full control of land access into the forest after which wooden palisades was erected, blocking land access to the forest completely except for a gate located in the town of Absolus.   In 373 one of the Fortene leaders, Haeferic Voss, experienced a vision given by a Goddess calling herself Cionecic. Cionecic informed Voss that she resided within the forest and was patron granting the marks, and explained that he and his people should work to claim this area, but be careful not to make themselves the target of the other rampaging gods or they would not be able to fulfill the larger purpose she had for them. This vision led Haeferic Voss to found the Nation of Ione and officially shift Fortunism into an organized religion that controlled the nation. The previously founded settlements that branched from the original group were brought under the same banner and Haeferic Voss became the first Alarch of Ione and of Fortunism.

Tenets of Faith

Fortunism revolves around Cionecic being the god of luck and chance, and by being her chosen the luck of individuals will be improved. Followers of Fortunism realize that while luck may be provided by Cionecic, preparedness is their responsibility and thus accomplishing a goal is shared between Cionecic and her followers.


The everyday followers of Fortunism have few traditions that match the formality of the Trials of the Fortunate. Monthly sermons do take place at the Grand Cathedral which anyone is welcome to join, but only those at the rank of Exarch or Eparch are expected to attend as this will usually be the place where new appointments to open positions are announced and discussions around the state of the nation take place. Less formal prayers are delivered to Cionecic and her pantheon before performing difficult tasks or when one feels luck may be need to accomplish something important.   Higher ranking individuals within the order have more traditions and techniques of worship, though these are almost completely unknown outside of those who have been granted a participating rank. One of these rituals involves more formal communications with Cionecic and are done deep within the restricted areas of the Grand Cathedral.


The leaders of Fortunism are the same as Ione and thusly they must obtain a Mark of Fortune, a sign that they have been selected by Cionecic for her higher purpose and subsequently complete the Trials of the Fortunate to obtain a position within the religious ranks. The only known attributes for being selected by Cionecic are being a relatively young human within Ione, all other factors are unknown. Once an individual has obtained a mark and considered an Initiate, they are collected by the order's Holy Sentinels and brought to the Grand Cathedral located in Fortuna for training.   Training takes place for just under a year and covers a variety of subjects some of which pertain only to the expected role, such as combat training for those expected to be soldiers. Other subjects such as religious studies and history are provided to all Initiates. During training all individuals reside in the dormitory wing of the Grand Cathedral and are not permitted to leave the grounds until the final ceremony and the release into Sanctum Forest. While leaving the grounds in restricted visits from relatives and friends are allowed in the public spaces of the cathedral, such as in the courtyards.   After training is complete the Initiates are sent to survive in Sanctum Forest for a month after which those that survive are granted the rank of Acolyte and may begin taking on official roles within the Ionean government. Ascension to higher ranks within the order are done through Cionecic's selection, of which all eligible individuals are automatically considered despite their preference. As with the appearance of the Marks of Fortune, selection to a higher rank does not have any known factors, such as performance in the previous role.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Fortunism originated within Ione and became the state religion upon the founding of the nation and it shares it's leadership roles with the Ionean government body. Early in the history of Ione, the area in which Marks of Fortune would occur was discovered and Ionean leadership pushed to ensure that they had control over this defined area. Once controlled Ione reinforced this position, and has continued to act defensively since its acquisition.   Fortunism does not have any noteworthy influence outside of Ione.


Fortunism only has a significant presence within Ione and the followers of the religion do not attempt to convert others and do not send missionaries in an attempt to spread their faith, though individuals that wish to convert are welcome to do so. As a result there is only a single core sect of Fortunism.

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