Aibuynethi Amnohphei

(a.k.a. Nethi)

Nethi is the half human, half eisorcei son of Grand Elder Cleric Ygyn Amnohphei and Kairt-Akodise, a former clutchguard of the Hephase Clutch. He is one of the few inhabitants of Icalar to have descended belowcloud to Asrothis and one of even fewer to have survived there.   Considering him the "light of [her] life", Akodise made the taboo decision to name him after Aibuynethi, the eisorcei primordial deity of light. Nethi, however, has recently taken to referring to himself as Senthi, after Aibuynethi's counterpart Gohnasenthi, as his survival makes greater demands of his morality.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wiry but strong build.   Due to there being two years belowcloud for every year abovecloud, the nine Icalaran years he has spent belowcloud are eighteen Asrothian years, making him thirty-two years old in actuality.

Body Features

Due to his mixed heritage he was born with only one set of arms, but set below those of a human. While he has the prehensile tail of an eisorcei, he does not have a crest or scales, enabling him to be relatively human-passing if needs be.   His flesh has been corroded in places due to limited access to counter-medicines, creating a deeply-cracked look to his skin.

Facial Features

Cannot grow facial hair. Forked tongue typical of eisorcei.

Identifying Characteristics

His skin is deeply cracked and pock-marked/eaten-away in places, and he has several irregularly-healed scars.

Physical quirks

Tends to crouch or otherwise be hunched-over, making him appear shorter.

Special abilities

Mild, bastardized Clericism. Although he is able to use his eisorcei flash, he only does so in dire, life-or-death situations.

Apparel & Accessories

Uses his mother's len -- slowly losing its red, white, and heseta beads -- to tie back his hair.

Specialized Equipment

Carries his mother's klalkul, now broken in half to be four feet long in total, along with a knife-club created from the femur of the haen who attacked him and his mother.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akodise's controversial pregnancy resulted in her exile from the Hephase Clutch, whereupon Ygyn established a home for them in the outskirts of Ghûn, the Qalneyan capital. Despite their continued ostracization there and his father's frequent absences, Nethi has fond memories of his childhood and indeed, was able to be taught some mild Clericism skills by his father and basic martial skills by his mother.   Ygyn was called away to the War of the Six in 986AC (when Nethi was eight) and did not return to his family until 992AC. Moreover, Ygyn returned as a Plague victim -- albeit the noncontagious third-stage -- and with worries over the fate of the continent that had reached a fever-pitch. Consequently Nethi's parents decided to investigate stories of the fate of the Tuth Clutch and rumors of a passage belowcloud there, told to Akodise by her himazé sibling Charosset.   However, as the family began to leave the city they were intercepted by Dawnseekers who, not recognizing Ygyn nor that he was a third-stage victim, immediately separated him from his family and had him burned alive by a Rel'ethera per the city's half-formed emergency policies. Akodise proceeded to flee the city with Nethi and reached the destroyed Tuth Clutch, where they were able to excavate enough of the passage they found there and made the difficult descent.   Akodise and Nethi managed to survive for nearly a week without the aid of civilization before they were attacked by a haen. Though they managed to kill it, Akodise was severely injured. She was subsequently possessed by a mershar who then abandoned the young teenager. Nethi began a long pursuit of the mershar, which has become more and more difficult as his mother’s body decays. Though he would gradually become aware of Asroth safeland and the lawless societies there, he opted to risk living alone.   Over the course of the next few years he would meet Proven, and the two would develop a notably symbiotic relationship; that is, however, except for Proven’s self-serving encouragement of Nethi’s growing alter-ego, Senthi, in the apparent name of survival.



Mental Trauma

Especially wary of fire and Rel'ethera owing to how his father died.

Intellectual Characteristics

Predisposed to suspicion and paranoia; aloof; blunt and sometimes callous.

Morality & Philosophy

Survival of the fittest.

Personality Characteristics


Survival; revenge on the mershar that possessed and holds his mother's corpse hostage.

Personality Quirks

Near-constant inner dialogue (often prompted by Proven) between the moral, 'Nethi' self and the amoral 'Senthi' self.


Very low


Contacts & Relations

Invaraibly accompanied by Relief-at-Being-Proven-Wrong ("Proven"), an oaexcavo.

Family Ties

Strong, even under the circumstances. Although his memories of his father are weaker and he can no longer remember his face, he retains the memory of the feel of his father's stubble on his cheek.   Nethi takes daily measures to remember his parents. In the hovel he has created for himself he has etched his surname and sketches of faces of his parents into the wall; his father’s is less clear, and his mother’s has strands of his own hair tacked on from when he has to cut it. He traces his name daily to remember it – the etching is growing deeper.

Social Aptitude



A mix of broken Mesik and Shekoldahn to begin with. Difficulty speaking, especially in full sentences, as has forgotten many words in his time below separated from society and has grown accustomed to telepathy with Proven.

Wealth & Financial state

Very low
Date of Birth
75th Day of the Season of Opening, 978AC
Year of Birth
978 AC 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Controversial to the Hephase Clutch
Current Residence
Silvery, straight, irregular shoulderblade length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown with red undertones
Known Languages
Broken Mesik and Shekoldahn


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