Valrokor (VAL-roh-KORR)

The valrokor (both singular and plural), also known as 'spell-eaters', are a semi-intelligent being from Azgorach. As with other creatures from that plane, it is not known whether they are a subspecies or a separate species entirely.   They were a formidable feature of the Azgorach Horde during the War of the Six despite being the last to cross over and making up the smallest portion, at approximately 3,000, outside of the Ba'athorog. They were primarily employed as anti-Bloodsinger measures due to their ability to consume manifested Ega, and were treated with equal wariness or outright fear by those in the Host of Selephise as much as the Golden Itoqir. As a result it came as little surprise that none were given the opportunity to return to Azgorach during the Banishing -- all were killed at the earliest opportunity, even without just cause.

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