Azgorach, Plane (Azz-gorr-RACH)

Azgorach is an additional dimensional plane of existence to that which Icalar occupies. It is the home of the species of the same name; Xa'aroch was the first successful summoning of a being of intelligence who lived, and thus all current Icalaran knowledge is largely based on his incredibly limited testimony prior to the end of the War of the Six and his retreat into hiding. Some of his testimony was partly corroborated by other Ba'athorog during the war.   Following the use of the Azgorach Horde during the war and the existence of a separate world becoming faint common knowledge, the layperson may also refer to it as 'the otherworld'.


Ironically, Azgorach's available geographic area for its inhabitants is similar to that of Ith/Icalar due to the intense level of corruption imposed on its from the Great Decay and rhésal; landmasses are scattered and fragmented, suspended in an outright void, with travel between them being precarious, dangerous, or outright impossible for those not capable of flight or weaving. Smaller masses are typically tilting, spinning, or otherwise moving, and larger masses are prone to crumbling without warning.   The landmasses themselves are largely barren rock scoured into jagged spires of varying widths and heights. While the rock is a dark mottled red and blue, the sky is nearly perpetually crowded with storm clouds lit intermittently by lightning.


The main feature of Azgorach is the presence of the rhésal, its own form of Ega that allows the channeling of Sré and Hes primarily. It has physical effects as well: it clouds the air and occasionally conducts lightning to the ground, in the process creating toxic plumes of dust that continue to eat away at the environment.   What soil exists has collected into often shallow and narrow rivulets gouged by the wind, barely enough to support the plane's grotesque vegetation and minor fauna. The plane's remaining water is isolated to this vegetation and barely drinkable. Otherwise the climate is incredibly arid and cold, to which the Azgorach have adapted. The climate and ecology due not tend to vary between landmasses regardless of altitude.

Fauna & Flora

The demonym for its inhabitants is simply "Azgorach", though certain sapient species that appeared on Icalar were typified as: Ba'athorog, Drelgrach, Eidlish, and Valrokor.   Although some Azgorach species are able to channel the rhésal, its primary function is to act as a collective memory (and in this fashion can also be referenced as the Keen, or Ach'gor). Access to this collective memory appears limited by ability, correlated with intelligence, and does not appear possible outside of Azgorach itself, and goes some way to explain long-term memory difficulties shown by Ba'athorog in particular.   The Keen is also the only language used or spoken by the sapient species: while the Ba'athorog appear to be the only species with vocalized language, it has been seen that all of the species can communicate semi-psychically and through biological signals passed through the rhésal. It should also be noted that all of the species remain governed to a certain extent by the biological instinct and 'prophecies' imparted by the Keen.   There is a distinct hierarchy of the species, with the Ba'athorog residing as its alpha-predators. The hierarchy appears simplistic: the stronger suppress and prey on the weaker. Indeed, cannibalism is common and on the rise with decreasing territory and diminishing resources.
Dimensional plane
Inhabiting Species


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