
The Acarii


Originating from the planet Donovia in the Scarle System, the Acarii are one of the longest living races and the first species in the Vellentari Expanse to achieve space travel with the invention of the psionic drive engine. Their planet contains an abnormal amount of psionic energy leading to each Acarii having heightened psycokinetic powers, and limited telepathic powers.


Physical Description

  A mono-gender race, the Acarii are distinctly feminine in appearance and possess maternal instincts. Their unique physiology include a mass of head tendrils that allow for extra sensory gathering, a set of three digits on each hand and foot. With an Acarii having a millennium-long lifespan they have the ability to reproduce with a partner of any gender or species, gives them a conservative yet convivial attitude toward other races. Favoring compromise and cooperation over conflict, they are often considered one of the most respected sentient species in the galaxy, and are known for their elegance, diplomacy, and Psionic aptitude. They rescued the Graex from their dying home world and uplifted them into being a space fairing race, as such the Graex have sworn loyalty to the Acarii and co-exist on Donovia. Often used as aids due to their ability to perfectly remember any encounter.  

Home World

  Donovia is described as a utopia by many, made up of various biomes Donovia has an advantage of being a psionically active planet. This energy source helping the Acarii achieving space travel long before many other races. Donovia's psionic activity has effected the Acarii, the Graex, and it's wildlife with the Acarii being exceptionally gifted Psionics.  

Society and Alignment

  Acarii are social creatures, and as such can be found all over Conclave and Pact World space. Living as long as they do, they come from all walks of life. From diplomats, to mercenaries, to Starship captains, to bar hostess' their is almost no line of work an Acarii hasn't been in. It isn't uncommon for an Acarii during their three phases of life to have worked dozens of jobs or had multiple spouses/partners. Being one of the Three council races for The Conclave most Acarii lean more towards law and order, as such it's uncommon to find an Acarii within criminal rings. One thing most Acarii in their Adult stage of life will often be seen with a Graex due to their cohabitation of Donovia, and in the Matriarch stage choosing to take high up positions in Acarii religious temples, government, etc.  


  Acarii are very outgoing people, though considered immature until they are at least 200 it isn't uncommon for them to have children. A normal Acarii will have several throughout her life with one or multiple partners, usually by the time they hit the Matriarch stage of their life they will have finished having children and if their partner passes before they do in this stage they won't take another. Among social relations, Acarii are both attractive and excellent talkers, which makes them perfect for hostess, diplomat, and actress roles.  

Ability Adjustments+2 Wis, +2 Cha, -2 Con


Hit Points 4


Size and Type

  Acarii are Medium humanoids with the Acarii subtype.  

Natural Psionic

  Due to the abundance of natural psionic energy on the Acarii homeworld of Donovia, all Acarii have a natural aptitude for psionics. All Acarii gain the following spell-like abilities. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Acarii's character level.   At 1st level:Psychokinetic Hand (At will), Telekinetic Projectile (At will)   At 3rd level: Psychokinetic Shove (At will), Mind Thrust (1/day)   At 7th level: Mind Thrust (1/day), Psychokinetic Strangulation (1/day)  

Two Becomes One

  Acarii can connect their minds to the minds of another and receive and send messages and images. Once per day, an Acarii can cast detect thoughts as a spell-like ability. Instead of effecting an area, the spell effects a single target who the Acarii must be touching. The Acarii can also choose to converse telepathically with the target while the effect is active. Once a Mind Meld is finished, an Acarii can choose to leave the target co-linked, allowing for Limited Telepathy within 30 ft. of her for the next 24 hours. The range increases to 60ft at 3rd level and 120ft at 6th level. The caster level for these effects is equal to the Acarii's character level.  

Centuries of Learning

  Acarii have long life-spans, and learn a great wealth of information over their many years. Acarii receive a +2 racial bonus to any 2 skills of their choice.  

Genetic Heritage

  Acarii have the ability to procreate with any other race regardless of gender, with traits and skin color of the ‘father’ race manifesting in their offspring. Acarii whose ‘fathers’ are also Acarii gain no strengths, causing Acarii pairings to be seen negatively in Acarii culture. (See the Father Race bonus table below)   Father Race Bonus:   Draccin: +2 racial bonus to Fortitude rolls   Thelvons: Unbreakable Dedication ability   Bhalos: +2 racial bonus to Engineering checks   Uldrae: Uldrae's Regenerative ability.   Human: An extra skill rank at odd levels   Graex: +2 racial bonus to checks to recall information   Voq'uk: +2 racial bonus to Initiative rolls   Kigg'var: +2 racial bonus to Stealth and Survival checks when tracking a target or hiding from enemies.   Stepmanders: Adaptive skin: Acarii with this trait can use a variation of the Adaptive Fur trait.   Kasatha: +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks.   Lashunta: +2 racial bonus to any two skills of their choice   Shirren: blindsense (vibration)—the ability to sense vibrations in the air—with a range of 30 feet.   Vesk: +2 racial bonus to saving throws against fear effects   Ysoki: Darkvision up to 60 feet   Dwarf: +2 racial bonus to saving throws against poisons, spells, and spell-like abilities   Elf: +2 racial bonus to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. In addition, they receive a +2 racial bonus to Mysticism skill checks   Space Goblin: +2 racial bonus to Engineering, Stealth, and Survival checks   Half-Elf: receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.   Halfling: +1 racial bonus to all saving throws. This bonus increases to +3 against fear effects   Half-Orc: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate skill checks   Kayal: +2 racial bonus to saving throws against enchantment spells and effects   Orc: +2 racial bonus to Intimidate and Survival checks   Gnome: +2 racial bonus to culture checks

Vital Stats:

Average Height 5-7 ft.

Average Weight 100-250 lbs.

Age of Maturity 200 years

Maximum Age 800+4d100 years


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