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Ala'o'pinau (ʔo.ʔ

Ala'o'pinau is an island in the Atuao'umi archipeligo in the southern region. It is located off the southwestern tip of Motu, and it is known in Mu'o'a legend as the place where Pinau first landed when he led them to the Great Ring from distant Trano.

When Pinau first approached Ala'o'pinau, his 'Alia was attacked by a giant octupus, a manifestation of the Moemoe'aku named Fe'etasi'aku, the Aku who is embodied by the entire Atuao'umi archipelago. Fe'etasi'aku rose up from the coastal waters bearing eight great shark-tooth clubs, and engaged Pinau in a battle for the right to land. In those days, there were no Kikipua living in the Atuao'umi, only the monstrous Loloto, and Fe'etasi'aku would not permit any who could not best their avatar to set foot upon the land.

The battle raged for hours. Fe'etasi'aku first tried to frighten Pinau into fleeing, waving the clubs and lunging with their massive beak. When Pinau drove forward into the fray, the battle begain in earnest. Pinau's ship was reduced to splinters during the first volley of blows, throwing Pinau and his crew into the surf. Neck-deep in the water, Pinau dived to evade the mighty blows and worked their way closer to the shoreline. Fe'etasi'aku was relentless, and their blows threw so much of the sea into the sky it seemed to be raining salt water. Finally Pinau was able to find solid footing and strike back. Step by step, Pinau fought their way closer to the beach, knocking the clubs out of Fe'etasi'aku's grasp and striking wherever they could reach. At last, mere feet from the shoreline, Pinau managed a final blow that split open the head of Fe'etasi'aku. The hero stepped over the body of Fe'etasi'aku as it dissolved into sand and seafoam to become the first of the Mu'o'a to reach Atuao'umi.

His avatar defeated, Fe'etasi'aku deemed the Mu'o'a worthy to live upon their archipelago. After dispatching the Loloto, the Mu'o'a begain to pay honor to the Aku of Atuao'umi as the god of their new home. The club-wielding octopus is a potent symbol among the Mu'o'a, and Fe'etasi'aku is especially called upon during times of war.

While Ala'o'pinau is where the Mu'o'a first landed, most moved on to the much larger island of Motu to the northeast. Only a single Aiga of the Mu'o'a remained on the island, centered around the village of Fe'etoto on the southwestern coast, near where the battle with Fe'etasi'aku occurred.

Notable Spirits

While Fe'etasi'aku is the Aku of the archipelago, there was no Aku of Ala'o'pinau itself until after the Mu'o'a settled there. The founder of Fe'etoto, whose name was Fetumau, was a companion of Pinau and chose to settle there rather than move to the larger island. Fetumau was joined by their family and established the Fe'etoto Aiga. Their descendents paid honor and respect to Fetumau, and kept their founder's memory alive long beyond their physical death. This homage empowered the eidolon of Fetumau and enabled them to become one of the Fua'aku, the Aku who arose from mortal eggs. Fetumau remains the guardian Aku of the village and the island, and the Fe'etoto Aiga continue to honor their life and deeds.


Ala'o'pinau is a small island which stretches a little more than 17 miles long, but is no more than 2.5 miles at its widest. The eastern half of the island is dominated by a high ridge while the western side is closer to sea level. The interior is dense jungle, and the village of Fe'etoto is located on a natural harbor on the southwestern coast.

Location under
Included Locations
Geographic Details
Location: Southern Region
Latitude: 11.28 degrees South
Longitude: 3.1 degrees West 
Average Elevation: 108 ft
Highest Point: 1,835 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 29 sq mi


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