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Vestaeyjar (ˈvɛsteiːjar̥)

The Vestaeyjar are a group of islands to the west of Eyju, and are the westernmost landmasses in the Norður Islands. They are inhabited by a community of Eyjamaður called the Vestmanna who are known for keeping to themselves, and are seen as standoffish and unfriendly by the other Eyjamaður. They speak their own dialect of Eyjamannaræða which is known for lilting, elongated syllables and a slow cadence. It is known as the Eldfell dialect and is named for the village of Eldfell, the largest settlement in the area. Outside of Eldfell there are only solitary dwellings, as many of the people of Vestaeyjar want a good distance from their neighbors. Some of the smaller islands in the group have only one or two residents, although they frequently will migrate to Eldfell to spend the winter.  

Notable Spirits

The Vestmanna do not speak much about the spirits of the Vestaeyjar to outsiders, so little is known about the Vættir who make their home here. One odd figure that is sometimes spoken of is Lundahirðir, or the Puffin Shepherd - this is a spirit who is known to care for and protect the puffins in the area. The Vestmanna have a tradition of guiding stray puffins to safe locations, and they say that Lundahirðir is grateful for the help and will send the spirits of the birds to do little chores for those who have done so. There are many depictions in Vestmanna art of puffins doing such diverse tasks as milking sheep, chopping wood, or cleaning floors. Sometimes the Vestmanna will tell the puffin they are helping that they'd like to send some help to a friend or family members, and there are some older Vestmanna who seem to have all their daily tasks performed for them by invisible hands.


The archipelago consists of a dozen islands, all but one of which is less than one square mile in area. The largest island is Hrafnsøy, which itself is only 5.2 square miles in area. There are also a half-dozen tiny islets and tidal islands, some of which are totally submerged for a portion of each day. Most of the islands are inhabited for at least part of the year, although it may only be by a single person or family.


The islands are known for their plentiful seabirds, most especially the puffin. There are many plant and insect species, but few large animals other than the goats and sheeps that the Vestmanna raise. The waters around the Vesteyjar contain some of the Norður Islands richest fishing grounds, including Hafsvegur. Fish such as cod, haddock, flatfish, herring, and capelin are all found in abundance at different times of the year. Lobsters and ocean perch are found in large numbers in the deep water to the southwest of the islands. Seals, smaller whales, and dolphins are also present in large numbers around the islands.


Vestaeyjar is known for being exceptionally windy and having large amounts of rain compared to the other islands in the area.


  • Vestaeyjar
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 63.25 degrees North
Longitude: 36 degrees East
Average Elevation: 7 ft
Highest Point: 797 ft
Lowest Point: -3 ft
Area: 7.82 sq mi


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