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3/25/214 - Report of Herris Jensen

General Summary

We set out from Gatefall towards Fort Phuknoe. On the way, Lyudmila saw a large humanoid shape hiding behind trees. It was three Undead Ogres, one of them was a Ghoul. An Oghoul. Maybe they should be called Oghasts. We killed the undead and harvested the fangs of the regular Ogres. We made camp and saw vague flying creatures in the air off in the distance. We proceeded through the Forest and came across the battlefield. Full of large craters leading up to a large stone structure. There was of course the pedestal. There was arid grassland but no trees. We saw the flying undead Wyverns, one of which had a rider. Lyudmila realized the pedestal was far newer than the large stone structure, at most a couple hundred years. It had a cloth banner with a stylized eagle similar to the Archaean banners. It had Archaean writing on it. Ask Lyudmila what it says.   We went inside. More signs of Archaeans sacking the place. Lyudmila said this tower belonged to Imaskar. We entered what was apparently the main room of the temple. We found a destroyed statue of a humanoid and two ancient (at least a thousand years) humanoid skeletons. They were not Human. They were about seven feet tall with horns on their heads and six fingers. They match the appearance of The Sons. Eagrym says the skeletons had fatal Wounds on them. There is a hidden chamber leading down a set of stairs into a tomb. The dust appears disturbed recently. The tomb has an open sarcophagus with Treasure. As GamGam was looting the sarcophagus, Eagrym trundled and made noise, which attracted the attention of undead in the other sarcophagi. They were Mummies. We fought and killed them. Though they were resistant to our non magical weapons, fire was incredibly effective against them.   We found some tablets and inscriptions on the sarcophagi. They were in the same Language as on the Obelisk. The largest sarcophagus had strange shimmering coins inside it but no mummy. He must be the leader flying the wyvern. We found magical ink with the recipe. The pictures on the sarcophagi depicted battle. Ivellios translated what the tablets said. It talked about the Imaskari God. Ask Lyudmila about the history stuff. I just get her there.   We went to the roof. Remained hidden while the others attracted the attention of the Anakite. Ivellios translated with magic. The wyvern rider is Ur-Nahash the Thrice-Risen, one of the mummies who was risen. He was hostile. He had six fingers and was large. We believe he was an Anakite or a Son in the Obelisk's inscription. Eagrym said he wanted us to surrender our lives to serve him or he'd kill us. We said "Fuck No" and began fighting him and his undead wyverns. The battle began well but then went poorly when he shrouded the battlefield in darkness. Then Ivellios blasted him off of the tower with thunderwave. He blinked onto another wyvern and he fled. I shot at him as he escaped, but Eagrym latched onto the wyvern with his grappling hook. Last I saw, he was climbing up to the wyvern.   We followed and saw the wyvern tumbling from the sky to its death. We came upon Ur-Nahash and Eagrym. Ur-Nahash had slain Eagrym. Ivellios, a true hero in this fight, blew Ur-Nahash's head off with a magic missile. Eagrym lay there, seemingly dead, but he clung to life and awoke. How he's still alive, I do not know. That spear would have skewered a wild boar. Yet he lives and the remaining wyverns fled. Eagrym said "The Five Fingers would return." Must be a hallucination from his near-death experience. He did snort Ur-Nahash's ashes, after all. Ur-Nahash's corpse had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. He was massive and had horns. We checked the sinkholes and secured the battlefield. We think something recently blasted the holes into the battlefield. We then returned home.

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Report Date
24 Jun 2023
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