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9/15/213 - Report of Ranaghar Argear

General Summary

[Written report of Ranaghar Argear as dictated to Lyudmila Krupiński]   Bounty North:   Set out with a new group to make some extra Money to pay off my debt to Djinn.   Met Anja, Eagrym, Ma'ago, Wolfram, and Stigr.   Left camp and ran into a blood lick. The Toad-like creature was very strong. Eagrym ran away from combat. Anja flirted with him as he passed to change his heart. Had some tendril that tried to impregnate its victim. Wasn't a fan.   After it was slayed we decided to head towards the mountain. Eagrym really wanted to see the naked Harpies.   We encountered some beefalo. Oxen like creatures.   Found an ancient temple? Eagrym, Anja, and I snuck into the temple to scope it out. Some really old ghost armor attacked Eagrym. Started a long fight. Eagrym became afraid and hid behind Anja, she was struck down (but lived). When I walked into the ruins of a tower I saw some worn carvings on the wall. The words written in Draconic. They read "12 fingers, 0 brains" and on the other wall was a five spiral line stylized as a claw. The symbol of the goddess Tiamat. I'd estimate the ruins are between 1000 to 1500 years old.   The party got surprised when some giant spiders jumped us. We got the upper hand on them and they fled like cowards.   Started investigating the ruins, Anja stumbled into some giant vultures. The vultures got upper hand. Downed several comrades.   We spent the night barricaded in a tower. Morning hit, the sunlight filtered through the stones above me. I noticed more carvings on the wall. Was a crude drawing of a Dragonborn. Was difficult to make out, but the figure appears to be flexing in an exaggerated pose.   Everyone was badly Wounded, so we decided to make a run for it and head back to camp. On the way back we found some twilight wormwood plants. Highly poisonous. Eagrym attempted to harvest it, but destroyed it by mistake.   On the bright side we did bring the ghost armor/weapons and some wagon wheels back from the job.

Rewards Granted

633 XP, 50 Guilders

Missions/Quests Completed


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