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Dragonborn are a Race native to both The Old World and The New World, known for their great martial prowess and long-standing animosity toward the Old World's Human Nations. They are a playable Race best-suited to Classes which focus on leadership and close combat, such as Fighter, Paladin, or Warlock (see, but note the variant rule detailed below). There are no known Sub-Races of Dragonborn, but the species is divided into ten distinct ethnicities: Black Dragonborn, Blue Dragonborn, Brass Dragonborn, Bronze Dragonborn, Copper Dragonborn, Gold Dragonborn, Green Dragonborn, Red Dragonborn, Silver Dragonborn, and White Dragonborn.

Dragonborn are subject to the following variant rule:
A Dragonborn may use their breath weapon as a Bonus Action, rather than an Action. Additionally, if they can make multiple attacks as a single Action, they may use their breath weapon as one of those attacks.

Basic Information


Dragonborn are of Medium size and powerfully built relative to other Races. They possess two arms, two legs, no natural armor, and a powerful breath weapon which varies depending on their ancestry.

Biological Traits

Dragonborn possess slight sexual dimorphism, with males being somewhat more robust than females and having blunter facial features. Both genders have internal genitalia and few secondary sex characteristics.  Dragonborn are split into ten distinct ethnicities which vary significantly in appearance, build, and temperament, though the latter is largely a result of social conditioning.  All Dragonborn ethnicities are capable of interbreeding with one another, though the offspring of such unions tend to strongly favor the mother in appearance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonborn generally practice sexual reproduction and have both male and female genders. Females lay eggs 1-3 months after mating, which hatch following an incubation period of 7-8 months. Very rarely, females may reproduce asexually and lay live eggs without fertilization by a male. Hatchlings born in this way are always male and are treated with suspicion by other Dragonborn, as they are traditionally believed to be children of the Trickster god, Kurtulmak.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dragonborn grow rapidly in the first few years of their lives and generally reach sexual maturity by 12 years of age. They are considered full adults by 15 years of age. Both males and females retain the ability to reproduce throughout their lives, but their fertility begins to decline after the age of 40. Average Dragonborn life expectancy is between 70 and 80 years, but some individuals may live for 100 years or longer.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragonborn are best suited for temperate climates, but are able to adapt and survive in a wide variety of environments, ranging from forests to deserts.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragonborn are meso-carnivores, requiring at least half their diet to be made up of meat, though they are capable of consuming a wide range of other foods as well. Most Dragonborn primarily consume red meat and poultry, which may be eaten cooked or raw. Eggs, vegetables, and fruit make up the balance of their diet. Dragonborn have moderate metabolisms and must eat at least once daily to remain healthy, but can survive on only water for up to 3 months if necessary.

Biological Cycle

Dragonborn follow a diurnal life cycle. They are generally active during the day and sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night. They do not hibernate and follow a seasonal reproductive cycle in which mating occurs in summer, eggs are laid in early fall, and hatchlings emerge in spring.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dragonborn are highly social and almost always live in groups. Every Dragonborn belongs to a large extended family known as a "clan," the members of which share a common ethnicity, surname, and culture. Clan loyalties are typically stronger than any other social ties and most Dragonborn live with groups of clanmates in large shared dwellings, in which children are raised communally. Every clan has its own internal hierarchy and handles its own affairs, with the state rarely becoming involved in intra-clan disputes.

Facial characteristics

Most Dragonborn have red, black, or gold eyes, though this varies greatly depending on ethnicity. Dragonborn do not grow hair and lack visible ears, but possess prominent facial frills, crests, and, occasionally, horns. Some Dragonborn ethnicities also grow a "mane" of flexible spines on the back of their head and neck.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragonborn are an insular species and rarely settle outside their homeland of Tymanther, though they can sometimes be found in other areas of Latia Major and maintain a number of island settlements along the northern coast of Ashur.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragonborn have relatively poor sight and hearing and do not possess Low-Light Vision or Darkvision. They have average proficiency with magic and no innate psionic powers.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Dragonborn are the dominant Race in the Nation of Tymanther, making up the vast majority of its population. They are an insular people and rarely leave their homeland, though significant numbers of them may be found in Karstadt, Vaticia, and Ifri. Nearly all worshipers of the draconic deities, Bahamut and Tiamat, are Dragonborn.

Gender Ideals

Gender roles are only loosely defined among Dragonborn and individuals of either gender may fill any role in Dragonborn society. Nonetheless, military leaders and priests of Bahamut are somewhat more likely to be male, whereas clan leaders and priests of Tiamat are more likely to be female.

Courtship Ideals

Dragonborn only experience romantic and sexual urges during the mating season, which occurs in the summer, and generally take only a single partner each year. They may seek out their own mates or, more commonly, rely on clan leaders to arrange matches for them. Most Dragonborn have multiple mates over the course of their lives, but it is not uncommon for a pair to mate with one another more than once.

Average Technological Level

Dragonborn possess a high level of technology, excelling particularly in the fields of metallurgy, medicine, and military engineering.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Nearly all Dragonborn speak Draconic and many are fluent in at least one other Language, most commonly Eise, Vatician, or Elvish.


Dragonborn are assumed to have descended from Dragons, though some scholars theorize that they may be connected to a now-extinct reptilian species known as the Sarrukh. They first appear in the histories of other Races during the Age of Invasion, during which they made war on the Latian Empire and the Elvish nation of Syrneth. According to their own traditions, the fickle goddess, Tiamat, brought them to what is now Tymanther from their ancient homeland, Tymanchebar, which is now lost to them. The Dragonborn defend their adopted lands fiercely and have warred intermittently with their neighbors throughout their recorded history.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dragonborn are frequently xenophobic and are mistrusted in turn by most other Races. They are, notably, ancestral enemies of Humans and Elves, with whom they have frequently clashed throughout their history. Their relations with Halflings and Orcs are generally more positive, whereas their relations with Aasimar, Dwarves, and Tieflings tend to be ambivalent or negative. Dragonborn are not capable of interbreeding with any other known Race.
Scientific Name
Draco Bellicus
Black Dragonborn, Blue Dragonborn, Brass Dragonborn, Bronze Dragonborn, Copper Dragonborn, Gold Dragonborn, Green Dragonborn, Red Dragonborn, Silver Dragonborn, White Dragonborn
70-80 years
Average Height
5'8" - 7'0"
Average Weight
180-270 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wide variety of metallic and chromatic colors depending on ethnicity.
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