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High Elf

High Elves are a Sub-Race of Elf native to The Old World. They are the most common type of Elf and the most likely to have contact with Humans. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their sharp minds, strong will, and magical aptitude, such as Artificer, Warlock, or Wizard (see

Basic Information


High Elves are tall and slender with more delicate features than Wood Elves or Drow. Most have tan, fair, or alabaster skin with a flawless complexion. They are further differentiated by their ears, which are very long with a sharp point, and their high tapered foreheads. Male High Elves rarely grow facial hair.

Additional Information

Social Structure

High Elves place tremendous importance on pedigree, to the point that many purport to trace their ancestry all the way back to Corellon Larethian, the mythical progenitor of all Elvenkind. Social mobility is a difficult proposition and comparatively young High Elves may visit the lands of other Races to seek a better lot in life. Magic is considered the noblest pursuit in High Elven society, but philosophy and science are also prized, whereas physical labor of any kind is often treated with disdain.

Facial characteristics

High Elves have smoother and more stately facial features than other Elves, with high foreheads, wide eyes, and long delicate ears. Most have green or hazel eyes, though some noble bloodlines are distinguished by their gold or violet eyes, and blonde or silver hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

High Elves form a majority of the population in Sihalis. They also form a majority of the Elven population in Khitai and have a notable presence in Hellada, Ifri, and Vodacce.

Average Intelligence

High Elves are quite intelligent and tend to be better at logical analysis and rote memorization than other Elves, though their pride can sometimes cloud their intuition. Intellectual pursuits, particularly philosophy and magical theory, hold tremendous importance in High Elven society.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Senex Decorus Regius
Average Physique
High Elves are tall and slender by Elven standards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Light tan, pinkish-white, or alabaster white with a smooth complexion.
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