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Elves are a Race native to The Old World, notable for their extremely long lifespans, keen minds, and preternatural grace. They are a playable Race well-suited to almost any Class, but particularly those which focus on stealth, speed, and mastery of magic, such as Artificer, Druid, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard (see There are three known Sub-Races of Elf: High Elves, Wood Elves, and Drow.

Basic Information


Elves are of Medium size and slender build relative to other Races. They possess two arms, two legs, and no natural armor or weapons.

Biological Traits

Elves possess modest sexual dimorphism, with males being somewhat taller and broader than females, except in the case of Drow, and possessing sharper facial features. Both genders have visible genitalia and females additionally have visible breasts.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reproduce sexually, have both male and female genders, and give live birth following a gestation period of approximately 12 months. They have a very low birth rate, generally producing no more than one child in a century.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves generally reach sexual maturity by 16 to 20 years of age, but are not considered full adults until they reach 90 to 110 years of age. Both males and females retain a relatively youthful appearance and the ability to reproduce throughout their lives, though they rarely do so after the age of 500. Average Elf life expectancy is between 700 and 800 years, but some individuals may live for 1000 years or longer.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves are best suited for warm or temperate climates and are not well-adapted for cold. Thus, they tend to avoid mountains, tundra, and other cold environments. They frequently reside in and around forests or jungles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are omnivores and are able to thrive on a wide range of diets. Most Elves primarily consume fruit, vegetables, and fish, which they may supplement with grains and cooked meat. Elves have moderate metabolisms and must eat at least once daily to remain healthy, but can survive on only water for 2 to 3 months if necessary.

Biological Cycle

Elves follow a cathemeral life cycle, except in the case of Drow, which are nocturnal. High Elves and Wood Elves are generally active throughout most of the day and evening, then rest by entering a trance-like state for 4 to 6 hours each night. Drow follow a similar cycle, but are active throughout the night and rest around midday. While in their trance state, Elves are largely inactive, but remain fully aware of their surroundings. They do not hibernate and their life cycle has no significant seasonal changes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Elves are highly social and almost always live in groups, with social norms varying between different Sub-Races and cultures. The most common arrangement is for spouses and their children to share a residence, with young individuals moving out when they reach adulthood. Generally, many such family units exist together as part of a larger community in which labor is divided for mutual benefit.

Facial characteristics

Most Elves have brown, hazel, green, or red eyes and pointed ears. Both genders grow hair on their scalps and males occasionally have facial hair as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves are indigenous to the continent of Ashur, where they make up a majority of the population, but are not uncommon in Drachen and Latia Major.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have keen sight and hearing and possess Darkvision, which is particularly acute for Drow. They have excellent proficiency with magic, but no innate psionic powers.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Elves are the dominant Race in the Nations of Sihalis and Alderac and form a significant minority in Hellada, Ifri, Khitai, Ussura, and Vodacce as well. Nearly all worshipers of Corellon Larethian and his subordinate deities, the Seldarine, are Elves.

Gender Ideals

Elven cultures vary widely in their traditional gender roles. Generally, individuals of either gender may fill any role in Elven society, except in the case of Drow, which are highly matriarchal. Nonetheless, military leaders and priests of Corellon Larethian are somewhat more likely to be male, whereas political leaders are more likely to be female.

Courtship Ideals

Elves generally mate for extended periods, but rarely for life. Arranged marriage is common among High Elves and Drow, the latter of which practice polyandry as well, but not among Wood Elves. Whether arranged or otherwise, marriages are expected to last until any children produced by the union reach adulthood, but are commonly dissolved thereafter. Romantic and sexual relationships outside of marriage are relatively common, but marital infidelity is rare except among female Drow, who frequently maintain concubines.

Average Technological Level

Elven cultures vary in sophistication but generally possess a high level of technology, excelling particularly in the fields of abstract science, alchemy, and botany.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Elves speak Elvish, the Language of ancient Syrneth, which remains the common tongue in Sihalis, Khitai, and parts of Ifri. Drow generally also speak Alderaque. Elves living in predominantly Human lands, such as Hellada and Vodacce, often learn the local Language in addition to their native tongue.


It is believed that Elves descend from a now-extinct sylvan Race known as the Quessir, as do Gnomes. They have existed in the Old World since the Age of Building, when the first written histories were recorded, and founded the great nation of Syrneth, from which most current Elven cultures are descended, during the Golden Age. Elves largely lack any innate drive to expand or colonize and, thus, rarely make war on other Races unless attacked first, though they have fought at least two horrific civil wars over the course of their history.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves frequently visit the lands of other Races, but tend to be suspicious of outsiders in their own territory. Many Elves consider themselves superior to Humans and other short-lived species, treating them with varying degrees of condescension. Nonetheless, their interactions with Humans, Halflings, and Gnomes are generally positive, but their relationship with Dwarves is a troubled one. High Elves hold a deep grudge against Dwarves dating back to the days of ancient Syrneth, whereas Wood Elves are more ambivalent. Drow, meanwhile, are allies of the Duergar, but hate all other Dwarves. Elves are capable of interbreeding with Humans and, very rarely, with Orcs. Elf-Human hybrids are referred to as Half-Elves and are often considered to be a Race in their own right, whereas Elf-Orc hybrids are extremely rare and almost always infertile.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Senex Decorus
High Elf, Wood Elf, Drow
700-900 years
Average Height
Average Weight
90-150 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranges from dark grey to pale white.
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