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Wood Elf

Wood Elves are a Sub-Race of Elf native to The Old World. They are the second most common type of Elf after High Elves(species:a1f0a5e4-d4aa-4532-ac47-5470aa6a1118), though they are an insular people and rarely take up @[Adventuring. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their natural grace and strong connection with the natural world, such as Druid, Monk, or Ranger (see

Basic Information


Wood Elves are shorter than High Elves or Drow, but tend to be more physically capable. They have a compact wiry build, sharp facial features, and olive, bronze, or brown skin. Their ears are shorter than those of High Elves, but come to a similarly sharp point. Unlike other Elves, male Wood Elves frequently grow facial hair, though their beards are more modest than those of Humans or Dwarves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wood Elves, even those who live among larger populations, are tribal by nature and tend to be highly suspicious of outsiders. Though they lack the strict social hierarchy of High Elves and Drow, age is greatly respected and the leaders of a Wood Elven community are usually its oldest members. Skill in hunting, artisanry, and herbalism is greatly prized, but Wood Elves tend to distrust arcane magic and are much less likely to study it than other Elves.

Facial characteristics

Wood Elves have sharp features, almond-shaped eyes, and short pointed ears. Most have brown or hazel eyes and brown or black hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wood Elves form a majority of the Elven population in Ifri, and are a sizable minority in Sihalis and Khitai. They tend to be less willing to leave their homelands than other Elves and, thus, are rarely seen outside the continent of Ashur.

Average Intelligence

Wood Elves are often considered unsophisticated or even primitive by High Elves and Drow, but this is more a reflection of their rustic lifestyle than any intellectual deficiency. Despite their lack of interest in scholarly pursuits, they possess sharp instincts and an innate insight into the natural world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Senex Decorus Silvester
Average Physique
Wood Elves are short by Elven standards and are frequently lithe and athletic.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark brown, bronze, or olive toned, with a ruddy complexion.


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