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12. Oakendale

30th of Beltane 2343   As the weary Brothers entered Oakendale they bid the Smeltbows goodbye and made their way to Girfeam's Forge.  
Girfeam's Forge
Girfeam is Oakendale's premier weapon and armorsmith and recently game into possession of a supply of Adamantine and has freshly crafted weapons and armor. The Brother unfortunately did not have the resources for the weapons and armor and instead purchased some Adamantine Ingots. They also sold some surplus equipment before moving on.  
Aurora's Grape
The Brothers headed to the tavern "Aurora's Grape". This posh wine bar was a far fancier place than the Brothers especially Ute were accustomed, making Ute feel out of place. Fresh from the road and still carrying the stink of their horses the Brothers certainly did not blend in. Some of the patrons were offend by the smell did comment on their appearances. Ignatius being the most social of the Brothers tried to strike up a conversation with waitress, his advances, however were rebuffed due in no small part to his uncleanliness.  
As Tim was stolling through the establishment he overheard some nobles talking about the increase in goblin raids. The goblins have appeared to grown in strength and strategy and are under the leadership of one called Srog. Tim being a Bugbear, knew this was not a common name amoungst goblins but is with hobgoblins. The nobles also said that the Emperor has placed a bounty on the head of Srog.   Tim also overheard more complaints about taxes being levied by King Reynard.   The Brothers collected their compensation for escorting the caravan. They also discovered that the caravan will not be proceeding to the next city Andorora due to the strain the goblins have put ont he flow of goods to the Kingdom of Wrayatora.  
A Brother in Need
As they were leaving Aurora's Grape Tim noticed a drunked fellow on the side of the building. Ute being raised in the rough streets of Freyburn did not want to get involved. However, Tim was a little bit more apathic and went to help the drunken man when he noticed he shared the same birthmark. In order to make sure he was safe Ingatius had his steel defender carry the now passed out half-elf.  
Richo, Porro and the Smelter
The Brothers headed over to Oakendale's Jeweler and Smelter to see if they could process their gold and azuremite ore. The owner of the smelter Porro Banks explained that he did not have the time to process their ore, however since Ignatius was an artificer he would allow them to use his shop for the right price. Porro had been heart broken from when he broke up with his girlfriend Rhoslyn who owned the Bun in the Oven bakery. Porro's price was to get some Golden Honey Blossom Tarts from Rhoslyn as his missed her and the tarts and since the breakup she had stopped making the tarts.   Off to the bakery the Brother bought some fancy pasteries before Ingatius finally asked for the tarts. Rhoslyn was hesitant and curious how these first time customers knew about the pasteries she has not baked in months. Ingatius was able to get Rhoslyn to open up where he was able to discover the cause of Porro and Rhoslyn's breakup. As it turns out Rhoslyn had been drinking and was caught snogging a traveling merchant named Richo, and of course Porro had seen them. Hurt and distraught Porro broke up with Rhoslyn. Ingatius convinced her to bake the tarts and get herself dressed up and personally deliver them to Porro.   Porro was so happy that he let the Brothers use his equipment. The Brothers started to toil in the smelter's shop, grinding, crushing, using chemicals, heating the forge and then finally using the smelter to purify the ore into gold. The Brothers were able to yield 358 gold pieces from the operation.  
Certain Books
The Brothers looking for Chanders Olstand the philologist headed to the bookstore. With luck Chanders was there. They showed him the Dwarven Rune Map, Azuremite Key, Signet Ring and Lester Bobblerocks' Journal. Chanders agreed to accompany the Brothers to help them uncover the mystery of the map and hopefully find the treasure in the vault. Ingatius the group negotiator worked out a deal with Chanders and they drafted up a Contract between the Brothers and Chanders. Chanders explained they would need to go to Rothevon first, as he needed to do some research to decode the cypher.    
The Hard Truth
The next morning Rydell, the Brothers other brother came to. They told Rydell that they had the same birthmark he must be one of their brothers and asked about thier father. Rydell explained Trobeus is their fathers name and he was in Oakendale to get revenge. Rydell describes his mother's experience with their father Trobeus to be different from Swaahbeefz's. The way Rydell explains it, is that Trobeus tried to charm his mother, but being an elf it had no effect. Without the aid of magic he then forced himself upon her. Trobeus is an advisor to King Reynard and probably in Andorora. Rydell thanked his Brothers for their kindness and took his leave heading towards the Ashriden Wood.  
We Ride!... Goats?
In need of transportation the Brothers headed over to the Shooting Star Stables. Horace the owner had a variety of potential mounts, from horses, camels and even an Elephant. He also had come across some giant goats, but since there aren't too many dwarves in Wrayatoria he has not been able to sell them. Ignatius took the opportunity to negotiate with Horace and got a great deal on five giant goats and a wagon. With that the Brothers were ready to depart and take the coastal road to Andorora to hopefully meet up with their father Trobeus.


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